Fletcher posts $669m net earnings, beats own guidance
Massive turnaround at giant builder, materials manufacturer and supplier
Massive turnaround at giant builder, materials manufacturer and supplier
Fletcher Building is expected tomorrow to reaffirm its earnings guidance.
There are enough to house the entire Queenstown population.
Transmission Gully due to open in less than seven weeks after delays and budget blowouts.
The committee says the cost increase can't be avoided and all owners must pay.
Rules include a ban on cat ownership and tight dog controls.
"If I'm not here at Summerset, I'll be at a race track somewhere in New Zealand."
USG Boral said it can't succeed here.
'Shelter, privacy and visual screening' are aspects cited in the application.
Opinion: Things look good in the short term but what about the longer view?
NZX-listed Cavalier has gone back to making wholly woollen carpets.
PM is asked to act quickly and treat businesses fairly by broken restaurant owner.
Council documents confirm the theatre will not re-open in time to host the festival.
Hardwick Smith Lounge and the first floor of Petone Library have been temporary closed.
The council said the installation of the bollard was a mistake.
'We're very happy to have the protests which is the right of every Kiwi.'
Minister Stuart Nash made the announcement at his old school, which will get $6 million.
'We are low in numbers so please come out to support!' - Protect Pūtiki
Only half of the 'new' public housing supply added by the Government is actually new.
'Step this way for airport bus link' - stairs marked at expanded bus/train station
Transport Minister Michael Wood accused of doing nothing to help struggling businesses.
Around 80 per cent or work on glass components now complete
Just when you thought you were safe from the RMA, here comes RMA2.
"We're working our way through it" - Richard Aitken, Fu Wah NZ.
OPINION: If the current settings aren't working, let's fix them.
ANALYSIS: The long-awaited $1.25b road is meant to open in September, but will it?
Trades lobby to have apprenticeship employer incentives extended.
Fletcher Building CEO Ross Taylor on his milestone birthday, films and Auckland v Sydney. Video / Michael Craig
"People say 'we just can't afford a normal house'," says HouseMe's Bryce Glover