Are retirement village stocks safe? Analyst on ComCom probe
'Level of concern amongst residents and advocates about some of the sector’s practices.'
'Level of concern amongst residents and advocates about some of the sector’s practices.'
"We allow people to do decorating of their apartments. You’re allowed to bring your pets."
'Sloped the bottom of the cruciform indents at a 50-degree angle,': birds don't roost.
Andy Davies established the hub 11 years ago.
Lawyers challenged almost all aspects of the claim brought in the proceedings.
New roundabout at Awatoto Rd delayed as drivers fear even more congestion.
A new development is growing from three empty buildings, and a bar might have to make way.
The Hastings district lost 16 bridges and more than 100kms of roads need to be rebuilt.
Sales of the housing sites taking longer than expected.
'It’s at a whole new level of quality, environmental sustainability and occupier comfort.'
The company wanted to reduce waste and build in a more sustainable and higher-quality way.
One narrow, winding road and no schools are the locals' two main concerns.
Opinion: I like the idea - but I also cherish our parks and green spaces.
'It was always going to be a big space.'
Marutūāhu-Ockham will have delivered 541 Auckland apartments: 199 are KiwiBuilds.
It would improve access and make the airport more resilient to natural disasters.
Summer's bad weather might keep numbers low throughout the year.
Victim support group: customers haven't received goods they paid for.
Plans were abandoned for safety concerns, engineers outlined a way to go ahead with it.
Auckland Waterfront Consortium welcomes discussions of a new possible stadium.
The Rotorua Top 10 Holiday Park closed early last year.
Swimmers look forward to re-opening after training in chilly outdoor pools.
The technique, mīmiro, will be used to rebuild a historic Bay of Plenty wharenui.
The general manager lost his job following a company restructuring process.
Todd Maitland shows why people from all backgrounds should consider a career in trades.
'Extension to enable staff to investigate flooding impacts and its implications': Parker
Police say it is the second station to be solar-powered in New Zealand.
Craig Martin has celebrated 20 years of working at Kitchen Creators.
Hawke’s Bay is on the cusp of a $700m to $1b hospital upgrade, Anna Lorck says.