Opinion: Devastating blow for apartment owners hidden in Govt announcement
Earthquake-prone apartment owners had every right to rely on a now-cancelled loan scheme.
Earthquake-prone apartment owners had every right to rely on a now-cancelled loan scheme.
The state house owner plans to build nearly 400 new houses by the end of 2025.
The man 'was aware that the removal of the tree would yield more developable land'.
Tour bookings are now being offered, but the first residents won't move in until May.
Director said video company was 'another victim of Covid', according to liquidator.
The plan is to 'give order to the rather disordered collection of buildings and spaces'.
Council claims more than $20.5m in 'wasted costs' after selling part-built carpark for $1.
A grandstand going for apartments but the latest study shows fewer cranes on our horizons.
Arguments for lower fees were based on a Ryman case where amounts were cut by 79 per cent.
The original Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament was demolished in 2020 after quake damage.
'If it does stack up, we would be fools not to progress it.'
The MBIE is considering axing one of only two senior fire engineers in the country.
'MBIE has yet to decide whether a determination will be made' - spokeswoman.
The eyesore building has sat empty since 2012 and could finally get a new lease on life.
Owners with construction scheduled in as little as two months have been left in the lurch.
Residents in the building at 76 Albert St were threatened with having to leave by Monday.
Residents find out tomorrow if they have to leave by Monday.
He was knighted in 2012 for his services to motorsport and his philanthropy.
South Auckland industrial caught the eye of our wealthiest man, who is advancing plans.
Deposits taken on the first stage or 180 units amount to around $100m of sales.
The investment is 'significant and indicates the long-term commitment to New Zealand'.
From 'mad’ to nearly fully clad, a huge development makes progress.
Around $2.5b of infrastructure is estimated to be needed to enable plans to proceed.
'Not a rogue contractor but a trusted partner with the Government that came unstuck.'
Payment so far is only 35c in the dollar. Deloitte plans a further distribution soon.
The location for the new bridge is something that will need community input.
Waikato building apprentices battled it out at the annual NZCB challenge.
The move came after concerns subcontractors were not being paid.
The 20-year-old nailed a task to build a picnic table.
“This is about re-establishing what Pākaitore was originally ..."