Latest fromBuilding & Construction

Quake set to be fifth-biggest global payout
Canterbury's massive earthquake and aftershocks are likely to rank as the fifth most costly quake ever for insurers.

Fight for New Chums beach
A plan to put one of the country's most pristine beaches back in public hands has been presented to the Government.

Leaky-homes bill due to get first reading
The bill setting up the framework for the Govt's $1bn leaky homes package gets its first reading in Parliament today.

<i>Bernard Hickey - </i> Bollard bets on end to housing love affair
I worry that the banks are trying to unleash those animal spirits in the housing markets again.

Building work, manufacturing slump in September quarter
Gloomy building and manufacturing stats out this morning have prompted economists to raise the risk of negative GDP.

May Wang loses IRD fight as bankruptcy looms
Failed property developer May Wang's attempt to avoid bankruptcy in the Auckland High Court has been rejected after the IRD objected to a creditor repayment plan.

<i>Success:</i> Timber maker in the right groove
Gearing down for the recession proves a wise decision...

Report: Waterfront development to generate $4.29bn
Redevelopment of Auckland's waterfront will generate $4.29bn in jobs and investment by 2040, a report says.