Latest fromBuilding & Construction

Fletcher Building results `quite stunning' - Ling
Most of Fletcher Building's half year results are "quite stunning," its chief executive says.

Auckland waterfront venue timed for big events
Thousands of people will soon be able to see Auckland Council's biggest new building, the $32m Viaduct Events Centre on the waterfront.

Brownlee denies telling quake residents to sell on open market
Gerry Brownlee has rejected claims he told Canterbury residents that selling their quake-damaged homes would be the best way to withdraw equity.

Mayor out to save heritage pair doomed in secret deal
Council-owned industrial buildings at Wynyard Quarter earmarked for the axe.

Appetite for destruction
Some Aucklanders may have been surprised to see a demolition expert supporting the campaign to save three historic St Heliers houses from the wrecker’s ball.

SC Finance development gets green light
The receiver of South Canterbury Finance (SCF) is welcoming a council to allow a residential development on the outskirts of Christchurch.

Housing data 'probably cannot get any worse' - economist
Building consent figures fell sharply in December, with one economist saying they probably cannot get any worse.

Reverse pub crawl set for April
A pub tenant is being sought for Auckland's historic Birdcage Tavern near Victoria Park.

$1.5b leaky-schools nightmare keeps Tolley awake
The cost of fixing the leaky-school problem has risen to around $1.5bn - but Anne Tolley admits she doesn't know where the money will come from.