Housing data 'probably cannot get any worse' - economist
Building consent figures fell sharply in December, with one economist saying they probably cannot get any worse.
Building consent figures fell sharply in December, with one economist saying they probably cannot get any worse.
A pub tenant is being sought for Auckland's historic Birdcage Tavern near Victoria Park.
The cost of fixing the leaky-school problem has risen to around $1.5bn - but Anne Tolley admits she doesn't know where the money will come from.
Three houses which heritage advocates are trying to save will be demolished within days. About 15 protesters remain on the street.
Protesters have vowed to lie in front of the bulldozers to save historic cottages set for demolition today.
Brothel brothers John and Michael Chow have stepped up their campaign to force the Auckland Council's hand on a report into the demolition of the city's Palace Hotel that it is keeping secret. They have now erected a billboard on the site
A central Dunedin cafe could be closed for several weeks after parapets above it started collapsing this morning.
A New Zealander gives a harrowing account of how Haiti's nightmare is continuing.
Microphones were suggested for teachers to make themselves heard over construction noise.
The potential refurbishment of the St James Theatre has received a boost from Auckland Mayor Len Brown.