Latest fromBuilding & Construction

NZ building consents dwindle in November
New Zealand building consents issued dwindled in November as the number of approvals in the South Island almost halved from a year earlier.

Christchurch: Inside the red zone
Chris Barton talks to engineering experts about the lessons learned during the levelling of Christchurch's collapsed CBD and what this means for the future of building design.

Fletcher Building earnings forecasts downgraded
Six out of 11 analysts who cover Fletcher Building shares have cut their 2012 and 2013 earnings forecasts.

Auckland pushes 11pc rebound in building consents
New Zealand building consents bounced back last month, signalling a flurry of new construction intentions in Auckland's residential property market.

Methven profit slumps on slack building activity
Methven, the tapware and bath fittings maker, posted a 25 per cent slump in first-half profit, blaming a sharp downturn in Australian activity.

Champions emerge to fight for Christchurch homeowners
Advocacy services are emerging up to help quake-stricken Christchurch residents resolve disputes with EQC and insurance companies.

Stephen Selwood: Glen Innes housing project could go step further
Government initiatives to improve value from new state housing estates in Glen Innes and elsewhere are laudable, but can go furthe

Vintage quake timber heads north to Auckland
Christchurch's loss has been Auckland's gain as demolition companies ship north thousands of metres of native timber salvaged from quake-damaged buildings.

The levellers - making Christchurch buildings even again
Companies specialising in the tricky task of re-levelling buildings are gearing up for a massive amount of work fixing up damaged land in Christchurch.

Daring thieves steal the lot
Burglars have stripped an empty apartment complex stealing everything - including 32 kitchen sinks.The crews behind the thefts posed as demolition workers and spent weeks inside the apartments.