Latest fromBuilding & Construction

Going green: The future of NZ's office buildings
Auckland's first six Green Star-rated building is just about to open its doors.

Call for landlords to insulate homes
The PM has backed the Herald on Sunday's Warm Homes campaign with a warning that if incentives aren't enough to persuade landlords to insulate their cold, damp rental properties, then the Govt may force their hand.

Auckland experiment must go on
Reform jigsaw needs formula for consensus decision-making, writes Tony Garnier.

Watercare ready for Auckland's infrastructure needs
Plans are in action to meet the needs of our population growth, writes Tony Garnier.

Investment in the supply chain will pay dividends
When you're only seeing one job at a time, it's harder to justify tooling up, Steelpipe's CEO tells Jennifer Dann.

Asbestos fears grow over huge Chch housing fix
Fears of widespread asbestos contamination in quake-damaged Christchurch homes are driving a surge in specialist testing services.

John Roughan: Plan lacks key element: action
Two months ago, Earthquake Minister Gerry Brownlee invited a number of us journalists who sometimes write about Christchurch to come and see what was happening.