Malcolm Rands: Housing with emphasis on homeliness
Auckland: "There are few places on earth one might change so radically and so fast" - Nat Cheshire, architect.
Auckland: "There are few places on earth one might change so radically and so fast" - Nat Cheshire, architect.
A new special housing area for up to 90 apartments is approved - but the tenants will potentially have to tolerate years of a quarry being filled up at their back door.
The historic former headquarters of lingerie company Berlei, standing in the way of the $500 million-plus SkyCity International Convention Centre, will be gutted and only its facade will remain.
Vo Van Duong's bamboo and coconut leaf house looks much like others deep in Vietnam's Mekong Delta.
The RMA Knights who say no have been a shadowy tribe until now and it's been hard to pin much damage to the economy on them, writes Bernard Hickey.
The number of skilled vacancies advertised online in New Zealand rose 1.1 per cent last month to its highest level in nearly six years as the Canterbury rebuild increased demand for skilled....
Property developers say the failure to quickly resolve Auckland's housing crisis is not their fault - lack of infrastructure is one of the biggest impediments to more building.
A Court of Appeal win for a Christchurch company which dug up a carpark over a $300,000 payment reinforces the importance of clear communication in arrangements.
An unattended crane rolled down a street in an Auckland suburb, bringing down power lines last night.
Property owners say they can't be held responsible for a death-defying fad like the one where three youths took selfies off the roof of an Auckland building.
Housing crisis - what housing crisis? Drive around Auckland's outskirts and you'd be forgiven for thinking the home building sector was ahead of the game as thousands of new-builds come on....
New figures show there's been a big hike in demand for jobs over the past year. So what vacancies are employers looking to fill - and where?
Nick Ferrier's residence was a good candidate to feature on My House, My Castle - not least because of this castle's three turrets.
Robyn and Michael Higgins built their dream home in Wharewaka on the shores of Lake Taupo, and they even included a proper man cave. But a year later, they were hit by tragedy.
The Commerce Commission says it found no evidence that Fletcher Building's Winstone Wallboards unit engaged in anti-competitive behaviour to protect its dominance in the market.
Owners of nine Wellington heritage buildings will receive $150,000 from the council's Built Heritage Incentive fund.
Rust is already affecting Eden Park's redeveloped South Stand just four years after it was built - but stadium bosses have described the problem as "minor".
The $205 million development proposes to build 231 apartments on the carpark at the Alexandra Park stadium/raceway.
Auckland homeowners made wealthy by their latest Auckland Council valuations are borrowing to do up their houses.
A plan aimed at tackling Auckland's housing supply shortage has surpassed expectations in its first year, the Government and Auckland Mayor Len Brown say.
Andrew Rolfe, Fletcher Construction project manager, said a 16m hole on the corner of Halsey St and Gaunt St in the Wynyard Quarter had now been completed.
Gardening is the gigantic seller for New Zealand's biggest DIY, homeware, trade and household goods chains, dominating all other product category lines.
West Auckland is about to get a boost, with a big landlord announcing a $36 million expansion and upgrade of New Lynn's shopping mall.
Labour's housing spokesman Phil Twyford has raised concerns about anti-competitive building industry practices after the world's second biggest wallboard maker said it was reviewing its structure in New Zealand.
Builder Shane Brealey is selling his 83.2 per cent stake in NZ Strong to Amalgamated Builders' executive chairman Chris Hunter.