Latest fromBrewing and Liquor Industry

Beer o'clock and the sky light theory
As you may have noticed, the daylight hours are lengthening and there are rumours spring is upon us.

Christchurch earthquake cuts beer supply
It's a bitter blow as Cantabrians toiling to clean up after Saturday's quake now face a potential shortage of Canterbury Draught beer.

Email standoff over vodka death
The parents of a teen believed to have supplied the vodka involved in King's College student James Webster's binge-drinking death have been labelled "bankrupt of any morality".

Parents ask for answers over son's fatal binge
Auckland mayor John Banks' son was among a group of young people who "egged on" schoolmate James Webster to keep drinking.

Liquor law changes - readers react
There has been mixed reaction to the Government's proposed changes to liquor laws, but most Herald readers say more needs to be done.

Liquor reforms like 'treating cancer with aspirin'
An alcohol watchdog says a raft of liquor law changes don't go far enough in curbing NZ's crisis with alcohol.

Key confirms parental consent law change
People will not be allowed to supply other people's kids with alcohol in a private home without consent under liquor law changes to be announced today.

<i>Jenna Raeburn: </i>Drinking age hike discriminatory
A raise in the drinking age would be ineffective and counterproductive, and discriminate unfairly against young people.

Booze law puts local communities in control
Local communities will set the trading hours for liquor outlets in their areas under plans expected to be announced today.

Whisky, you're the devil - but I love you anyway
Few spirits have the romance, the history and the sheer brilliance of whisky.

Alcohol expert puts case to MPs
There is compelling evidence that increasing the legal alcohol purchasing age reduces harm and saves lives, a US professor has told MPs.

Go west, young man, to seek new beer
I had a wonderful experience recently when I attended a tasting of Hallertau's beers at a rather salubrious Mt Eden hostelry.