Latest fromBrewing and Liquor Industry

Banishing the ghosts of yesteryear

Banishing the ghosts of yesteryear

We've all got one. In each of our psyches there lies an awful memory indelibly associated with a drink. This memory has prevented us from ever going near that drink again and even the smell of it is enough to send us fleeing from the room.

A woman's work is never done

A woman's work is never done

Brewing. It's a typically blokey thing: it involves a combination of light engineering and biochemistry, involves using tools and the end product is beer, so it's understandable it tends to be associated with men.

The great lost grape

The great lost grape

I was at a tasting recently when someone stood to ask me a question. In fact, she wanted to ask me three questions, but being the economical type of guy I am, I managed to give her just one answer.