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Wishart's book a big seller online
Despite being pulled from the shelves in NZ, Ian Wishart's controversial new book on the Marlborough Sounds murders has been a big seller online.

Short guide to not giving a flying $@#%!
Kim Knight discovers how to successfully swear your way to self-fulfilment.

'Watson definitely the killer, but cops contorted evidence'
EXPLOSIVE NEW CLAIMS: Book says Scott Watson is the person who killed Olivia Hope and Ben Smart.

The enduring influence of JD Salinger
Today on the anniversary of his death, Emma Michelle and Anne Maxwell reflect on how JD Salinger's writing first influenced the world and how it continues to do so now.

Nigella Lawson's book signing a hit
Domestic goddess charms fans who braved the summer heat to meet her in Auckland.

Book review: A Few Days in the Country, Elizabeth Harrower
Please add the name of Elizabeth Harrower to the embarrassingly long list of authors I should have read years ago.

Caitlyn Jenner's memoir will tell all
Caitlyn Jenner is releasing a memoir about her transition from male to female.

How 'average' people become extraordinary
Do you stand out from the crowd. A new book details how you can.

Book review: Hamburgers in Paradise, Louise O. Fresco
"Tell me what you eat," said the French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in 1825, "and I'll tell you what you are."

Madhur Jaffrey's journey from the stage to bookshelves
She's best known to the world as a writer of Indian food books, however, as Madhur Jaffrey tells Michele Kayal, her first love is the theatre.

Hitler's autobiography goes on sale
For 70 years, the reprinting of Adolf Hitler's autobiography was prohibited in Germany because of fears it could be used as right-wing propaganda

Book ban protest sealed with a kiss
Young liberals have made a video of Israelis and Palestinians kissing each other in response to a book being banned.

If you love Game of Thrones, stop nagging the author
If you love Game of Thrones, don't nag George R.R. Martin to finish the books, writes Alyssa Rosenberg.

Now THAT'S how you fold a T-shirt
WATCH: Declutter guru Marie Kondo's magic tricks will help you tidy up your life - and improve your folding.

Unfinished book casts a chill over Game of Thrones series
The eagerly anticipated sixth Game of Thrones novel won't be released before the sixth HBO series airs in April, but Martin has left spoilers about what we can expect.

Luminaries author marries long-time partner
Eleanor Catton married her long-time partner Steven Toussaint today.

The case for Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie loved taking everyday items and turning them into instruments of death.

12 Questions: Baruk Jacob
Digital outreach librarian Baruk Jacob set up Auckland Libraries' new 'Maker Spaces'.

Black Hermione fine with JK
J.K. Rowling has said she "loves" the fact that Hermione Granger will be played by a black actress in the highly anticipated new Harry Potter play.