Latest fromBooks
Revisiting a master storyteller
There were years when, as both authors and as publishers, A.H. and A.W. Reed were the main source of Maori myth and legend for New Zealand readers.
Shareholder watchdog defends Telecom salaries
The chairman of the Shareholders Association has defended Telecom executives' high salaries, saying the company operates in a global market.
Gattung swipes at Telecom's big salaries
Former Telecom head Theresa Gattung has attacked the company for paying its executives much bigger salaries than when she was in charge.
An edition to savour
David Eggleton, who has edited the latest Landfall (it now has a revolving editor), has produced a mix of writers that is immensely satisfying.
A lover's guide to older women
The Independent's John Walsh speaks with the author of In Praise of Older Women as his erotic coming-of-age novel joins the ranks of Penguin Classics.
Behind the perfection
My parents were ... eccentric. My mum's not shy in speaking her mind. My old man prefers an easy life - like me.
ODD or merely naughty
Temper tantrums, answering back, deliberately annoying ... it could be that your child's not just naughty, but has oppositional defiant disorder.
JFK letters show love for 'Swedish Gorilla'
A newly revealed collection of love letters shows another side of former US President John F Kennedy.
Author Dick Francis dies
Writer and former jockey Dick Francis, famous for his horse racing-based crime novels, has died aged 89.