Latest fromBolivia

Nasa reveals why you'll lose weight on a holiday to Sri Lanka, but not Borneo
Weight gain is a common complaint of holidaymakers. Now you can blame the planet.

An anaconda's play date with dolphins took a strange turn
New York Times: "I don't think that the snake had a very good time," one researcher said.

Hate mail: Woman from Bolivia in shock after being told to 'hang her head in shame' over Russian war
The Bolivian woman has been in NZ for 22 years and has been left distressed by the letter.

Bolivian voters reinstate party after military takeover
President Evo Morales was forced to resign last year. Now his party has retaken power.

Gwynne Dyer: Herd immunity, reinfection and the great deception
Opinion: Never mind the ideology, take another hard look at the death rates.

In election, Bolivia confronts the legacy of its ousted socialist leader
New York Times: Evo Morales' policies and rhetoric often divided the country.

As politicians clashed, Bolivia's pandemic death rate soared
New York Times: Mired in political turmoil when Covid hit, Bolivia's response was chaotic.

Bolivia hospitals run out of space as virus hits hard
Hospitals in Bolivia are overflowing with Covid 19 cases, and running out of space.

Deadly protests around the world
When people take their grievances to the streets, some pay the ultimate price.

Day turns to night in Sao Paulo as Amazon rainforest burns
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro threatens trade agreement over Amazon development.

Hard times on an 'easy' mountain
Derek Cheng dreams of future summits - and no headaches - on a Bolivian mountain

Military uprising: War on the streets of Venezuela
Protesters mowed down as Venezuela's Opposition leader Juan Guaidó calls for an uprising.

'Loving and caring' Kiwi who died on Death Road remembered
Emile was 3 months into the trip of a lifetime through South America with his girlfriend.

100m plunge: Kiwi killed on 'death road' in Bolivia
Auckland-man Emile Vollenhoven died after he fell about 100m while mountain biking.

New Zealand man dies after fall from 'death road' in Bolivia
A New Zealand man has died while on a trip in Bolivia.

He tried to stop a sexual assault. Strangers are now mourning his death.
COMMENT: Patricio Salazar did what not many people would, and it cost him his life.

Tourist gang raped, robbed by machete-wielding gang fights to win case
UK biker refused to leave for a year as she fought to bring her attackers to justice.

Famous Nazi hunters worry about the future
Serge and Beate Klarsfeld are horrified by the state of affairs in Europe and beyond.

Watch: When a bungy-jump goes bad
Shocking moment young woman jumps off a 15m bridge and hits the riverbed.

Bolivia could teach Venezuela a thing or two
Since 2006, Bolivia has been run by socialists every bit as militant as Venezuela's, experiencing a spectacular run of economic growth.

Killed footballer was about to be a dad
This is the heartbreaking moment a Brazilian footballer found out he was to become a father - just one week before he was killed in the Colombian jet crash.