Brian Gaynor: Women have the business X-factor
The election of directors will be one of the most important issues during the upcoming annual meeting season.
The election of directors will be one of the most important issues during the upcoming annual meeting season.
Henri Eliot talks to James Fletcher about health and safety in New Zealand.
Is global consulting firm McKinsey reviewing management at Fonterra? Seems so, though Fonterra won't confirm it.
Martin Aircraft Company founder Glenn Martin's sudden resignation from the jetpack maker is disappointing and a concern for investors, says a sharebroker.
Outgoing Martin JetPack founder Glenn Martin tells staff: "Deliver the dream that people want, not the product that is easiest to build. Now don't f@#k it up!"
We need to think of not for profit board seats as a deep responsibility and a job that requires due care and attention.
Sunset is far away for an industry that deserves and earns the government support it gets, writes John Allen.
Mai Chen recently spoke to Henri Eliot about corporate governance and her appointment today to the board of the BNZ.
As businesses are getting busier, it is a good time to revisit the key guiding principles for all boards in NZ to follow.
A director must spend time visiting the operations of the businesses for which your board holds ultimate governance responsibility.
Tips on how to brush up your director brand in order to secure your first or additional board appointments in 2015.
Mighty River Power chairwoman Joan Withers talks to Henri Eliot on corporate governance.
A second woman who worked closely with Roger Sutton corroborated the sexual harassment allegations against him.
Bosses and company heads are being warned they need to be "much more careful" about their actions following Roger Sutton's sexual harassment resignation.
Experienced directors spoke to Henri Eliot about their views on directors taking tests to assess personality, skills and cognitive abilities.
Mark Ford, who has quietly and efficiently been responsible for ensuring Aucklanders have high-quality water and wastewater disposal, has lost a long battle with illness.
Watercare chairman David Clarke has paid tribute to the company’s former chief executive, Mark Ford, who died earlier today after serious illness.
Rob Campbell talks to Henri Eliot on his perspectives on leadership following a recent Leadership Day at Turners and Growers.
One of the main trends coming through from this year's pay survey is the lack of women in the list of top-paid chief executives. So where are they?
The mines inspectorate entered the Pike River Mine for the first time a month ago, papers released under the Official Information Act show.
Solid Energy says it is still evaluating the “potentially fatal risks” of re-entering the Pike River mine, but it is aiming to release a final decision by the end of next month.
Geraldine McBride talks to Henri Eliot about her perspectives on Corporate Governance.
Shane McKillen has resigned from the board of Veritas Investments to focus on other business commitments.
Watercare chief executive Mark Ford - who is known as "The Fixer" - is expected to step down shortly for health reasons.