Latest fromBoards and Governance

Banks hails new Super City structure – Labour opposes
Auckland Mayor John Banks calls the city's new local government structure "an inspired piece of work".

12 wards and 20 boards likely for Super City
The Auckland Super City will be made up of 12 wards with about 20 local boards at the grassroots democracy level.

Hospital restrains man for six years
A mentally ill patient restrained in solitary confinement for almost six years is one of several disturbing cases the Ombudsmen have uncovered.

DHB chief: Labtests lied to us
Labtests has been accused of lying to Auckland's district health boards over its quality and safety systems.

Super City structure revealed but job losses unclear
Council staff employed in planning, policy and strategy are most likely to lose their jobs in the Auckland council amalgamation.

Distinguished directors honoured
Two long-serving company directors have been recognised for their exceptional service to New Zealand business.

National health board welcomed, job losses not
The creation of a National Health Board is well received despite concern about the predicted 500 job losses.

National Health Board to see 500 jobs cut
Five hundred "backroom" jobs in the health sector will go in a major Govt shake-up that will see the establishment of a National Health Board.