Louise Thompson: Get out of your comfort zone regularly
Clients come because they want change in one or many areas of their life. However: in order for life to FEEL different we need to learn to THINK different and we actually have to DO different.
Clients come because they want change in one or many areas of their life. However: in order for life to FEEL different we need to learn to THINK different and we actually have to DO different.
Each week, life coach, yoga teacher and corporate escapee Louise Thompson will share actionable tips to make life happier, healthier and less stressful.
Bam. Right there. It’s a biggie and it needs more explanation. It’s not essential for happiness but it surely helps a great deal. It’s can be a lifelong quest... finding The One.
Hands up who has a new year’s resolution to exercise more, weigh less and reduce stress?
Can you boil down happiness to a formula? Of course not. Happiness is absolutely individual. As I work with people on their own personal happiness strategies, however, there are super clear themes that come through.
Goals schmoals. If I see another " New year, new yoooooooooooooou!!!" article I shall surely scream, strangled by the cliche. And yet, therein lies the rub. Cliches become cliches for a reason, do they not? No smoke without fire and all that jazz.
It seems every magazine I look at this month is full of helpful "How to plan a stress-free Christmas in 27 easy steps!" articles.
"You would be fantastic at that!" I heard one woman say to another in a cafe last weekend. "You think well on your feet, you are super-organised and you have fantastic presentation skills; it could be the perfect job."
I bought a new kettle this week. A fancy glass one with four pre-set temperatures. I know, I know, we are living life on the edge here at Thompson Towers.
While in Britain last month I stayed with my good friend Sarah and her husband Nick from university days. It was so good to see them, we talked long into the night reminiscing, and howling with laughter about our long-gone student days.
Worrying is a pointless activity. Fact! Worrying is focusing on a fear that is not currently present. It's worrying about a thing that may or may not happen later.
Call me crazy but I love hearing when clients or friends are "totally over it". When they can't look at another "fat picture" or drag themselves into the office for another soul-destroying day.
Want to transform your happiness at work or home life with just four little words? Sure you do.
Being away in fabulous Turkey has been a blur of sunshine, family, laughter and new sights, smells and tastes. A total break from the usual routine, any stress has melted away in the lazy Turkish summer heat.
Here’s the thing. Our brain is like Google. It’s an incredibly efficient search engine.
Worrying about our problems is an almost constant occupation for many of us. The worry that we are raising our children right, or that we are doing a good enough job at work, that our parents are healthy and independent, that our spouse is happy.
Trekking to Machu Picchu is a once in a lifetime experience, and I am so glad to have been able to do it. Once in a lifetime, that is, unless you are a guide or a porter on the Inca Trail.