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Louise Thompson: Like looking after yourself
Last week I met a friend of a friend who is eight-and-a-half months pregnant and radiant.
Blog: A warrant of fitness for your body
It won't be any surprise to anyone who knows me well that I recently found out I need glasses for driving.
Blog: Beating procrastination
Once you have identified which fear is driving your procrastination, pick a strategy.
Louise Thompson: Time to quit procrastinating
Limiting beliefs busted? Check. Goals defined? Check. Action steps diarised? Check. This ideal life thing is easy, right?
Louise Thompson: Synchronicity - more than chance
As we set stretch goals for ourselves and start to move forward towards our best life there is a powerful energy that helps us build momentum.
When loved ones don't love the new you...
What do you do when you are loving the new you that is emerging with your new shiny life and, well, some of your nearest and dearest, they don’t love the new you?
Louise Thompson: Do what you did when you were younger
Looking back last week at the whole of our lives from the perspective of our older selves is valuable as it connects us to our spiritual fuel and our values.
Louise Thompson: Looking at life from different perspectives
When we are creating a conscious programme of change and self-development in our lives it's helpful to look from two different perspectives.
Louise Thompson: Wishes without fear
I hope your vision for what you want for yourself is coming together! Over the coming weeks we are going to refine it and start subtly evolving it from dreams into goals.
Louise Thompson: Milestones and life lessons
Want to know something interesting? A spooky number of clients come to see me when they have a big birthday coming up.
Louise Thompson: Daydream believer
Creating a delicious vision of the future is a really interesting, fun process; but some struggle to find the thing that is “their thing’’.
Blog: Dare to dream big
This is a fun exercise. It's also super-powerful. I used to get surprised when clients did this and amazing stuff started to magically happen and appear in their lives.
Louise Thompson: Can't get no satisfaction?
Last week we analysed the whyfores of what is working in your life.
Louise Thompson: Identify why it's working for you
We are building on the life satisfaction wheel that you filled in last week, looking at the 8 key areas of life.
Louise Thompson: When not to avoid conflict
This is hands-down one of the most common reasons I see that people are unhappy. That they are tolerating something crappy in their life. Crappy exploitative relationship with co-worker. Crappy loveless marriage.
Is putting myself first selfish?
It’s been a crazy busy couple of months as I race to get my book finished by the deadline.
Louise Thompson: Stop chasing the why
Figure out what you are not letting go of. An old rejection that niggles away at the back of your mind. Make a note and then know that maybe you will never know why, and that's okay.
Louise Thompson: Why the constant comparing?
There is a new game sweeping the nation. Have you heard of it? Almost everyone is playing. It can be addictive and fun to start with, but over the long term players report rampant dissatisfaction, absence of joy and a low gratitude count.
Louise Thompson: Blitz limiting beliefs
Do any of these sound familiar? I have to stay in this job or we won't be able to make the mortgage, I have no choice. I have no choice but to go to see Mum again this evening.
Louise Thompson: Awareness of limiting beliefs
How do you recognise the way beliefs drive your life?
Blog: Habits of happiness
This new series expands on the foundation of the 10 happiness principles we covered in the happiness audit. It’s called habits of happiness and it’s a natural next step from the principles we have already discussed.
Louise Thompson: 2013 Happiness Audit: Progress check
Here is your recap of what we have learned in our 12- part happiness audit so you can check in and see where you are.
Louise Thompson: Practise emotional honesty
Oh, how to cover THIS in a few hundred words?! Practising emotional honesty is a real biggie, and one of the most common barriers to happiness there is.
Blog: Live in the moment
Learning to live more of our life in the moment is a life-changing secret of happiness.
Happiness is an inside job
It's your job, not someone else's, to move towards what makes you happy.
Louise Thompson: Know your superpower
A common trait that all happy, energetic people have in common is that they know their strengths and they play to them. They are also honest about their weaknesses and they delegate, hire or just plain cut out of life the stuff they are not so good at.