Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

Bruce Cotterill: Small business paying the price of the coronavirus fight
Eradication strategy is causing too much pain -- we need to find a new approach.

Michael Cullen: Fighting this virus is harder than crushing a car
While dealing with further outbreaks, we still need to plan for the economic recovery.

Mary Holm: Cut your loan into pieces - is that the answer to the mortgage puzzle?
Is splitting a home loan into instalments a way to beat future interest rate rises?

Fran O'Sullivan: Ardern is the master of spin - but the Govt dropped the ball
Government and National have to offer competing visions for NZ's future.

Comment: Why lockdown restrictions must be less than last time around
We must adapt with the benefit of experience from the initial outbreak.

Matthew Hooton: The only option is to let Covid in
Covid-19 is here to stay. The task now is to learn how to live with it.

Business Insider: Rich-lister's IPO plans, wage subsidy warning, AMP's Blair Vernon
The inside word on New Zealand's business community.

Kate MacNamara: When is the cost of lockdown too high?
COMMENT: The need to understand the Government's calculus is looming larger by the day.

Juha Saarinen: NZ in blast radius of US-China tech war
Everyone loses as tensions ratchet higher.

Comment: Three policy responses needed in Covid battle
Initial policy response has been well handled, but a stepped-up policy focus is required.

Roger Partridge: Border sideshow obscures bigger problems
Fixing the border chokehold is not rocket science.

Ranked: Figures show which political party is best for investors
Which side of political spectrum has been friendlier to share investors and homeowners?

Ben Kepes: How sharing the love feeds the circular economy
The Scouts can teach business leaders a thing or two.

Christopher Niesche: Rio Tinto's controversial business move in Australia
COMMENT: The miner's decision to put profit ahead of principle might yet backfire.

Ella Jensen: Embracing tech to reduce the farming footprint
It is time to re-open a nation-wide dialogue on the use of genetic technologies.

Oliver Mander: Sky TV faces its do or die moment
Can the former giant transform itself, or is it doomed to irrelevance?

Fran O'Sullivan: In the Covid fight, NZ has to go harder
Warnings have stepped up, but what has the Govt really done?

Market close: Trump and Rio Tinto news dampens late trading
The S&P/NZX 50 had its biggest fall this week.

Matthew Hooton: Unemployment figures another disaster for National
Unemployment isn't really down to 4 per cent, but it's no good arguing with the ref.

Business Insider: ASB's payroll issues, Mowbray deal sets record, law firms tie the knot
The inside word on New Zealand's business community.

Kate MacNamara: What's the real cost of staying safe from Covid-19?
Cost benefit analysis finds that level 4 overtime wasn't worth it.

Brian Fallow: People for jobs, jobs for people
Government can ease the pain of losing work, and encourage employers to hire.

Comment: Governments shouldn't pick tourism favourites
Small tourism operators are missing out on millions in taxpayer money handed out by Govt.

Frances Sweetman: Smeltdown in the electricity sector
Sector directors face difficult decisions as excess demand looms to swallow dividends.

Craig Eliffe: NZ faces big tax questions but is targeting the wealthy the answer?
Green Party's proposed wealth tax raises important questions about the taxation system.

Juha Saarinen: Don't let kids hack their way into prison
That technology is creating a criminal class out of the young is something to worry about.

Bryce Wilkinson: The wrong direction for RMA reform
A real resource management act would focus on actual public good problems.

Brent Melville: Tech sector sets sights on tourism, dairy as top exporter
Top 200 tech sector companies generated revenue of $12.1b on the back of export markets.