Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

Opinion: Three Waters needs to be on a commercial footing
OPINION: Government is focused on ownership with its Three Waters reform, not scalability.

Kate MacNamara: The suffocating spin of NZ's vaccine taskforce
The public relations spend that helped the Government spin the story of vaccine buying.

Opinion: The great interest rate debate
Unsurprisingly, the spectre of higher borrowing costs has caused quite some consternation.

Fran O'Sullivan: Robertson plays sheepdog to get things moving
Finance Minister wants to defuse past criticism for failure to deliver.

Mike Munro: Red light, green light - how life in NZ in 2022 could look
Freedom just ain't what it used to be.

Steven Joyce: Labour's wheels are coming off
The people in the Beehive are often the last to realise it.

Mary Holm: Gambling v investing - a question that really got me thinking
Both involve taking a risk, but that doesn't make them the same.

Editorial: Air NZ flight cancellations an ominous sign
Too much uncertainty in the air not helping decision makers.

Blame game: Electricity Authority finds a problem it can't fix
EA shows that if all else fails, you can always blame the aluminium smelter.

Jamie Mackay: Rural Kiwis need to step up vaccination efforts
Rural New Zealanders are dragging the chain a bit on vaccination rates.

Opinion: How to navigate a career change in uncertain times
Many are reconsidering what matters to them and reprioritising their lives.

Richard Prebble: Is Simon Bridges the one to save National?
National's woes are much greater than just Judith Collins.

Matthew Hooton: Why PM changed tack towards compulsory vaccination
Public opinion will be strongly with the Prime Minister on her latest move.

Ernie Newman: Supermarket duopoly-breaking goes up a notch
Fixing the supermarket duopoly will be daunting, but it can be done.

Paul Catmur: How to have a business conversation you don't want to have
Tough chats can't always be avoided.

Bruce Cotterill: Let's govern for the whole team of 5 million
A focus on the issues that really matter would avoid divisive policies.

Bryce Wilkinson: Prudent levels for net worth really matter
But Budgets 2020 and 2021 did not satisfy these requirements.

Matthew Hooton: Housing deal shows Labour's failure
National hopes voters will forget the past, and see it as able to deliver more homes.

Brian Fallow: Will we COP it in Glasgow?
Climate conference could be risky for New Zealand, if the focus is on methane.

Liam Dann: UK trade deal - big winners and other winners (there are no losers)
There are no obvious losers in this deal. It is that good.

Opinion: Why Three Waters is necessary despite divide
The current system is broken and literally in need of significant repair.

Liam Dann: Covid inflation shock hits hard - but will it last?
The strength of inflation data has economists worried that rates may need to rise faster.

Damien Venuto: Govt's lack of trust in business is slowing Covid recovery
OPINION: Businesses have placed great trust in the Govt; can it now reciprocate?

110km from the nearest power line - is this the future of Australian mining?
The attitude in mining is changing.

Andrew Barnes: Time to let people go (and come) home
The logic of keeping double-vaccinated returnees in MIQ for 14 days no longer makes sense.

Sasha Borissenko: Covid-19, bureaucracy holding up immigration process
Uncertainty remains for those on the ground in Afghanistan.

Mark Fowler: Stagflation and the cost of Covid-19
Simply raising interest rates is too blunt an instrument at this point.