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<i>Gill South</i>: Joining forces gets Christchurch companies back on their feet
Collaboration has helped many of the city's businesses to get up and running after the quake.

<i>Sean D'Souza</i>: Building your business on words alone
Imagine you were to start up an internet-based business. And told that to promote your business, you would not be allowed to do any affiliate marketing. Or joint ventures. Or any external publicity.

<i>Stock Takes:</i> A sharp pencil
Stock Takes assumes the powers that be at The Warehouse are sharpening their pencils now that book retailers Whitcoulls, Borders and Bennetts have been put up for sale by REDgroup's voluntary administrators.

Media: Battle over sleaze on screen heats up
Broadcasters are appealing to the High Court in an attempt to stop tightening of controls for sexual content on television.

Savage headwinds for Air New Zealand
In just four weeks, Air New Zealand's earnings outlook has turned to custard.

<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: Shareholder activist deserves to be heard
John Hepburn raises valid points on the Hotchin debacle and media coverage of it.

<i>Gareth Morgan:</i> Home prices head in right direction
In 2007 I said that NZ houses were 30 per cent overvalued.

<i>Debbie Mayo-Smith</i>: Using video - let me count the ways
In my last column I covered a few of the many features incorporated in the YouTube website. For example, the ability to edit videos, add captions and sort into playlists.

<i>Gill South</i>: Beating the tyranny of distance requires special HR skills
Head office in Auckland, staff in the US and Britain - it's par for the course for Endace.

Mark Lister: How to cut the risks from higher oil prices
Middle East tension poses a threat to the delicate global recovery.

<i>Brian Fallow: </i>This has to be the right call
Enjoy the low interest rates while they last...

<i>Bernard Hickey :</i> Bollard should have waited
The Reserve Bank should have waited for more data on the true impact of the earthquake and put a bit more faith in the resilience of the New Zealand economy.

Fran O'Sullivan: Court no place for Hubbard's legal bills
Simon Power's decision to put Allan Hubbard in a commercial straitjacket leaves the Government "tailend Charlie" for the $2 million plus the Timaru financier's legal boys have chalked up.

Communications after the quake: Good, but could do better
Events in Christchurch give reason to ask if our phone networks are tough enough.

<i>Sean D'Souza</i>: Sell your product before it even exists
The movies do it. Sports events do it. So why on earth don't you pre-sell your product?

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Backup plans a saviour when it all falls down
Preparing for the worst and cloud-based systems both pay off for Christchurch tech firms.