Liam Dann: Traders use their noodles to bet on NZ
As if oil prices weren't enough to worry about, instant noodles are being blamed for an impending edible oil shock.
As if oil prices weren't enough to worry about, instant noodles are being blamed for an impending edible oil shock.
NZ firm sees growing market for green energy technology.
If you want to move up, you'll need to take the initiative, says author.
Put on some Bach, Beethoven or Chopin. And listen to the music. What do you hear? You hear variation. The music races madly ahead. Then it stops. It goes softer, then louder. Then at a normal volume once again.
The pressure on ruling powers to hand out more goodies to the people will ultimately have to be paid for.
Authors offer tips to ambitious executives keen on gaining promotion.
There's great comfort in sticking to your routine, isn't there? That doesn't just apply to what you order at restaurants or how you have your coffee. Most people also stick to their routine at work, doing what they've always done.
Last year's tax reforms are not working...
'Both AMI and South Canterbury appeared not to have planned for disaster,' writes Bernard Hickey.
Ever wondered why it seems New Zealanders can't ever seem to get ahead despite apparent GDP growth?
Experience in schools inspires not one, but three businesses.
Last year, Apple released a product. "This product is doomed to fail", said many experts. After all, the type of product had been introduced time and time again, and never succeeded.
Internet plan set to replace one monopoly with another.
Govt should beware of US intellectual property demands...
Firm's clothes are worn on some of the most luxurious vessels afloat.
Smartphones - everywhere you look you'll see an iPhone, Blackberry, Android or Windows phone.
New Zealanders learned this week that our output did not increase in the second half of last year.