Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

Success: Flavours to tempt Asian tastebuds
India and China are key markets for this food and beverage manufacturer.

Labour plan worries tax experts
Exemptions are a major concern with proposed capital gains measure.

Fran O'Sullivan: Petricevic ruling common sense
Rod Petricevic was delivered a sharp lesson in the High Court at Auckland yesterday that justice will be served in the Bridgecorp trial irrespective of whether he says he can afford it or not.

Gareth Morgan: Capital gains tax best way to tackle rot
Move would help fix damage from years of exploitation.

Chance for NZ link with carbon scheme
Political uncertainty in Australia will be a factor in decisions on emissions trading here.

Success: Simple science trumps sales-speak
Soil and nutrient advice company gets back to the scientific basics to help farmers optimise production.

Liam Dann: No sign yet of dollar budging
Should we be worried that the commodity spike of the past few months has peaked?

Brian Fallow: Ruling puts regulator on slippery slope
Electricity consumers and taxpayers alike have been badly served by the new Electricity Authority in its first major decisio

Fran O'Sullivan: Taupo quake a sharp reminder of risks
Quake-ravaged Canterbury and Auckland are clearly the two major infrastructural challenges facing New Zealand.

Debbie Mayo-Smith: QR codes can be just the ticket
Why you should use QR codes for your business...

Graham McGregor: What problems do you solve?
The first thing a customer wants is a solution to a problem. The second thing they want is to feel good.

Success: Software helps business stay in touch
Whether it's text, email or social media, Datasquirt's specialty is managing communications.