Latest fromBest of Business Analysis
What to do with business cards
Success comes more swiftly to those adept at marketing and promoting their businesses.
Claire Trevett: English 'reckless' over super
Bill English said the forecast super costs of $30 billion by 2030 were large but ruled out changing anything, saying it was affordable "at the moment".
Christopher Niesche: Australian business lost without mojo
Ask any big business what's holding them back and they'll have all the answers ready: government policy, the weak economy, the internet, consumers' reluctance to spend.
Tax at odds with travel message
The announcement of plans to impose an "Anti-Travel Tax" came at an unfortunate time for Transport Minister Simon Bridges, writes Grant Bradley.
Liam Dann: Cheap fuel fails to oil wheels
More than six months into the great oil price crash, US growth remains sluggish and cautious US consumers have banked the savings, writes Liam Dann.
Bernard Hickey: Robin Hood Budget a surprise
Budget 2015 is one of the most counter-intuitive of the seven that Bill English has delivered as Finance Minister, writes Bernard Hickey.
Brian Gaynor: Takeovers better than schemes
Oz study’s analysis based on value for shareholders telling with activity picked to rise in NZ this year, Brian Gaynor writes.
Diana Clement: Generation debt can benefit from advice
A student loan is a loaded financial gun. Only just out of short pants, thousands of teenagers Pass Go by turning 18 and stepping straight into generation debt, Diana Clement writes.
Rob McLeod: Govt needs insurance mindset
Rob McLeod, chairman of EY, says while NZ is in a relatively strong position, we face material risks.
Liam Dann: Just business as usual
What's in the Budget for business? Well, that's what we usually call our "Budget at a glance" graphic. This year we've opted for: What business needs to know.
Aaron Quintal: Child poverty unexpected focus of Budget
Could business have expected more from a Budget labelled by Finance Minister Bill English as "a plan that's working"?
Fran O'Sullivan: English still Mr Relia-Bill
Bill English has basked in the NZ economy's rock star status but ironically unforeseen rocky conditions have denied him the satisfaction of unveiling his first Budget surplus.
John Drinnan: Digital billboards set to shine
The advertising world has gone digital - and not just indoors, writes John Drinnan. Outdoor advertising firms Adshel and iSite are both increasing their digital foothold in the Auckland streetscape.
Brian Fallow: Nibble, nibble - but will it bite?
There's a lot we just don't know about the Government's moves on tax and real estate, writes Brian Fallow. Trying to judge the likely impact on the Auckland market of the property taxation measure the Government announced on Sunday is one of those times.
Stock Takes: English pumps power dividends
Is the Govt really getting double the amount of dividends from its sold down power companies?
Executive Success: It took a while to get up steam
Dr Juliet Newson's job as a geothermal reservoir modelling engineer at Contact Energy has her harnessing computer power to visualise the underground steam resources of the Wairakei area.
Rob McLeod: Acrobatics of balancing books and votes
The size of the deficit distracts from a more meaningful question: what should government spending and taxes be as a fraction of the national income?
Put it away the first time
Successful people don't put things off. Instead, as much as possible they finish what they've started.
Fran O'Sullivan: Housing horse bolted
Fran O'Sullivan asks: Why is the Government holding back from stopping cashed-up foreigners from continuing to snap up homes at prices that mainly they can afford?
No more Twitter texts means headaches for users
Tech blogger Juha Saarinen on Vodafone turning off Twitter and Facebook SMS messages without warning.
Chris Adams: Don't hold breath for Budget
It would be a stretch to suggest trading rooms will fall silent tomorrow afternoon when Finance Minister Bill English enters Parliament to deliver his seventh Budget.
KiwiSaver: Doors shut on NZ-grown funds for Aussie home
Up until a couple of months ago it was possible to use KiwiSaver to buy a first home in Australia but all that changed at the beginning of April.
Inside Money: DIMS, letters dedicated to David Ross
The David Ross effect came into play again last week Sovereign hived off its remnant investment business.
Five quick reminders to help you improve sales
Debbie Mayo-Smith reminds readers of five simple lessons to help improve sales including the power of silence.
Get Sorted: Tune in to your future
When planning for the future seems just too hard, we all need a way to put it in focus.
Liam Dann: New tax rules a big step
The Government has surprised the market with a stronger than expected move on property tax, writes Liam Dann.
Brian Fallow: Budget a nickel-and-dime affair
For people other than residential property investors, Thursday's Budget is expected to be a nickel-and-dime affair, writes Brian Fallow.
Brian Gaynor: Stop that booming bubble
The Auckland residential property boom has developed some of the characteristics of the Dublin bubble a decade ago, writes Brian Gaynor.