Ngāti Rangitihi votes in favour of Deed of Settlement
91.79 per cent of valid votes cast were in favour of the settlement package.
91.79 per cent of valid votes cast were in favour of the settlement package.
Labour candidate Tamati Coffey's electorate profile. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Labour candidate Tamati Coffey’s electorate profile. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Māori Party candidate for Waiariki Rawiri Waititi has announced a policy for Te Reo Māori.
Māori Language Week 2020: Kia kaha te reo Māori.
Demand is outstripping supply for kiwifruit orchards.
The top five earners combined pocketed more than $700,000 in the three-month period.
There have been earthquakes at both ends of the North Island on Saturday evening.
The facility allegedly failed to comply with aspects of the building code requirements.
Today is Ardern's third day campaigning in the Bay of Plenty.
Ardern was visiting the Māori housing development.
Money handler at 'heart of the case' to give evidence against Comanchero gang president.
The man had six previous assault convictions.
Bay of Plenty police are urging road users to stay alert and drive to survive.
They paid $130 a week for stained mattresses, no insulation, and a leaky roof.
Graeme Walker started working at Farmers in 1971.
Child protester clutched a sign depicting PM Jacinda Ardern as Adolf Hitler.
'Give the resources to the communities to look after themselves.'
ED face off against long time rivals Katikati in reserve grade final.
Inquiry independence from Government 'critically important' says National MP.
Ratepayers would be 'horrified' at paying the cost of governance failure, says councillor.
A recidivist fleeing driver who rammed two police cars has received a hefty jail sentence.
"We are standing our ground," says a Tauranga Hospital pharmacist.
Team could stay for 10 months, but council votes for earlier 'off-ramp' opportunity.
The district's 2020 road toll already stands at 13, two deaths short of the 2019 toll.
Kevin Davies pleaded guilty and was sentenced to $14,000 in penalties.
Missing man described as a happy and peaceful guy.
'Elderly who have worked all their life are embarrassed by the situation they're in.'
Māngere school requires even 5-year-olds to wear masks despite official advice.