'Struggling to tread water': GPs battle burnout and doctor shortage
Bay of Plenty general practices face doctor burnout and vacancy-filling issues.
Bay of Plenty general practices face doctor burnout and vacancy-filling issues.
Advice on how isolation rules might change for arrivals was expected shortly.
To protect themselves, landlords are only taking on people with a perfect history.
'He asked me not to panic. He said he is strong and not afraid of the invasion.'
All but four of the Tauranga cafe's are self-isolating.
The origins of Flick are unknown but whoever left it at the station has a kind heart.
Meet the best friends who surf together but have never seen each other.
Volunteering Bay of Plenty will launch a new hub in Rotorua next month.
Fear and loathing of the Maori language no doubt still lurks in some mainstream media.
OPINION: Give us back our capital.
'Time is now critical to get the whole whanau vaccinated and protected together'
But some say the huge cost will be worth it.
About $1m a year is spent cleaning up Tauranga's wastewater overflows.
But the local council says it doesn't know how much it costs to clean up.
Reporoa-born and bred, he is now responding to 111 calls in Tauranga.
National has said the number of new police in the region is "not enough".
Unboosted Aucklanders eligible for their third jab need to get it now, expert says.
The removal of the homes had been planned since the village's inception in 2017.
Unvaccinated business owners are fleeing NZ to start up again overseas.
The woman says she 'wouldn't wish the stress' of finding a midwife on anyone.
Several cafes and restaurants were calling out for Government support.
Councillors have been thanked for their professionalism after claims of abuse and ageism.
The trimaran had flipped in the middle of a shipping channel, with a cargo ship due.
The day was a "roaring success".
Tio Faulkner built a "coastal park" in Tauranga Harbour. Now he's in prison.
But some business owners believe employers should be paying the Living Wage of $22.75.
There were 33 new cases of Covid-19 in the Bay of Plenty on Wednesday.
Some fans had babysitters booked and friends coming to stay but they will wait.
The supermarket was mincing unsold steak when a plastic pad fell into the mincing machine.
Bay of Plenty towns hit record-high house prices.