'It's a Christmas miracle': Boy missing for six hours rescued after clinging to rocks
The 14-year-old boy was taken back to his family safe and uninjured.
The 14-year-old boy was taken back to his family safe and uninjured.
Police papers say young ram-raiders not in gangs, but follow influential ringleaders.
Sandbags are piled around the house as water slowly rises, leaving a sinking feeling.
'For me, it’s about bringing life back to our pā,' says the haukāinga of Ōtamarākau marae.
The health warning is based on water test results and visual observations.
Four of the alleged offenders are under 13 and have been referred to youth services.
A Taupo science teacher among the 447 Covid-related exodus over 6 months.
It's not the first time John Armstrong has lost sheep.
'Quite a bit of water in a short period of time.'
Pete and Helen Rowlands want to see vaccines funded for all 16-year-olds.
“Frankly, it’s been a bit of a shambles,” says a disgruntled Whakatāne councillor.
Meteorologist says a break in the unsettled weather could be on the cards for Christmas.
CCTV footage shows people had "ripped him out of the ground, taken him and run”.
A new Netflix documentary out next week marks three years since the tragedy.
Crown Law say there was appropriate accountability for the prosecutor involved.
Berm parking has been prohibited between Marsh St and Eleventh Avenue in the CBD.
'This is a reoccurring problem in the area.'
The win comes just a week after a massive $24m Powerball prize.
The outcome marks an end to nearly 30 years of negotiation.
"About 60 or 70 chimneys that need cladding,"
The Government agrees to some changes, but shies away from mandatory reporting of abuse.
Mystery remains over how Te Urewera hut fire started
"I was 100 per cent certain that I'd just witnessed a fatal accident,"
Judge: 'What happened the day was related to these two men’s mental health state.'
“Rotorua is one of the worst places to find a place to live," the 29-year-old says.
The Government has spent more than $31m on the scheme to July 2022.
A helicopter has been used to transport the person to hospital.
Keitha Wineti-Guttill had no breast cancer symptoms, but was diagnosed in June 2020