Commissioners' 'Let's Talk' meeting hounded by 'horrible' heckling
One attendee described the heckling as 'a bit embarrassing'.
One attendee described the heckling as 'a bit embarrassing'.
University of Waikato Professor Chris Battershill given lifetime achievement award.
'It is still recovering from our past mistreatment.'
Judge says despite ruling, no amount of money can make the matter right.
'I am out of pocket. I have got no boat, I have got no home, I have got nothing'
"I am out of pocket. I have got no boat, I have got no home, I have got nothing."
Katikati growers, farmers and residents discuss water quality with the regional council.
An Aongatete family are facing charges of illegally erecting buildings on their land.
Regional councillors were divided over which option to select.
Council considering applications from Allied Asphalts Ltd and Higgins Group Ltd.
Public transport leaders are considering three options to help tackle congestion.
An advocate says it will be a city asset but a critic says the money could be used better.
The health warning is based on the results released for levels of cyanobacteria or algal.
Working from home has had a direct impact on workplace injuries.
More than $186,000 has been paid out by two councils - a third wouldn't give its figure.
Jobs losses and payouts: personal grievance claims at local councils revealed.
Heavy rain event put pressure on the city’s stormwater.
How close the city came to flooding when Edgecumbe did has accelerated the works.
Japanese honeysuckle is beautiful and sweet-smelling, but deadly to native bush.
Sandbags are piled around the house as water slowly rises, leaving a sinking feeling.
Councils and an airport company among those listed as creditors.
Who is first-term Bay of Plenty regional councillor Ron Scott?
Who is first-term Bay of Plenty Regional Councillor Kat Macmillan?
The hearing included questions around the tikanga of pig poo.
A business leader says in his view the study makes "no new progress".
The high-flying Aussie politico locked up for reclaiming Tauranga Harbour is back in court
It's hoped the move will stop a spate of youth violence at Tauranga bus stops.
Te Roroa is returning 900ha of former pine forest to native bush and food gardens.
Waiū Dairy CEO: We're sorry, our actions don't represent the values of kaitiakitanga.