Auckland's $369 a day house price rise
Auckland house sales data for June is out, showing a slight decline in sales volumes but average sale prices up $11,088 - that's a daily price rise of $369.60.
Auckland house sales data for June is out, showing a slight decline in sales volumes but average sale prices up $11,088 - that's a daily price rise of $369.60.
France's BNP Paribas has pleaded guilty to concealing billions of dollars in transactions for clients in Sudan, Iran and Cuba in violation of US sanctions.
Australia is forecast to be among the fastest-growing economies this year, making it harder for the central bank to convince currency investors it won't raise interest rates.
The Kiwi dollar touched a two-month high overnight, approaching 87.50 US cents, after a measure of Chinese manufacturing was stronger than expected
Morningstar has released a bearish analysis of giant landlord Kiwi Income Property Trust.
Kiwibank has raised its home loan and deposit interest rates this morning.
He's known as Bitcoin Jesus and he is offering a haven for the rich: a condo in the Caribbean that comes with a new passport and almost zero taxes.
The Reserve Bank has just lifted the Official Cash Rate by 25 basis points to 3.25 per cent.