Dollar holds below 82 US cents
The dollar held below 82 US cents overnight after the Reserve Bank yesterday reiterated that is too high and signalled interest rates would remain on hold.
The dollar held below 82 US cents overnight after the Reserve Bank yesterday reiterated that is too high and signalled interest rates would remain on hold.
What should an inflation-targeting central bank do when inflation is proving unexpectedly slow to make an appearance?
In an effort to lower rates and weaken the currency, Labour is pledging to broaden the RBNZ's policy goal by re-writing its main objective.
Interest rates have been held at 3.5pc as Graeme Wheeler signals he won't be as aggressive with future hikes.
The NZ dollar declined as investors gain confidence about a recovery in the US economy, increasing demand for the US dollar.
The NZ dollar rose to a six-week high against the euro after the European Central Bank unexpectedly cut its three key interest rates.
The post-person delivered me two items of historical interest: a cheque and a credit card.
Landlords are complaining about banks calling in loans from one property when another is sold.
The New Zealand dollar weakened overnight, weighed down by a rising US dollar and changing expectations for Reserve Bank interest rate rises.
The Institute of Economic Research considers the economic cycle has passed its peak but that it will moderate to a still healthy pace.
Power of monetary policy to drive global growth is nearing its limit. Further progress depends on government leaders.
Viewed from the vantage point of Standard & Poor's global chief economist the world economy does not seem too inhospitable a place right now, but not without risks either.