Patience key to China: bank boss
National Australia Bank boss Cameron Clyne believes the key to tapping into trade in China is patience.
National Australia Bank boss Cameron Clyne believes the key to tapping into trade in China is patience.
The outlook for New Zealand's banks is stable but a housing bubble triggered by a low interest rate lending boom remains a key credit risk, according to Moody's.
China is fast becoming our dominant trading partner, but Kiwi business leaders based there say many New Zealand exporters are still taking a naive approach.
The boss of an Australian non-bank mortgage lender says the pending cap on low deposit bank lending could be a catalyst for opening up the market to non-bank lenders.
The number of people who unwittingly launder money for international scammers has doubled in three months, and police deal with new "money mule" reports every day.
Prospective home buyers have been rushing to get pre-approval for loans with less than a 20 per cent deposit before new regulations are brought in.
Exposure has grown since Asian financial crisis of 1997, Institute of Economic Research warns.
Jason Rathgen is getting desperate - he sought pre-approval for a loan with a deposit of less than 20 per cent.
Experts say tighter mortgage lending rules will only a partially ease house prices, writes Jamie Gray.
Sometimes you have to be in a ringside seat at a big fight to really understand what it's like, says Bernard Hickey.
Banks could be forced to allow customers to take their account number with them when they shift to a new bank, in the same way customers can take their cellphone number with them when they move telcos.
New loan restrictions mean the "poor middle-class" hoping to buy their first home will be left out in the cold as banks cherry pick their ideal customers.
Serious concerns have been raised about the punishing hours endured by interns at London City investment banks after the death of a young Bank of America Merrill Lynch employee.