Discovery triggers fatal crash memories
Images of a wrecked engine brought memories flooding back to pilot Aubrey Bills, 60 years after he survived the crash that killed his mate.
Images of a wrecked engine brought memories flooding back to pilot Aubrey Bills, 60 years after he survived the crash that killed his mate.
A flight from Auckland was delayed when one of Air NZ's "gold elite" passengers refused to give up her front-row seat to accommodate a wheelchair-bound woman.
A meeting with Sir Richard Branson looks set to pay dividends for Auckland video conferencing start-up FaceMe.
Travellers on Qantas and Emirates are set to benefit from a new alliance between the airlines that analysts see as a "medium" competition risk for Air New Zealand.
Analysts at Macquarie say further details in today's Budget of a possible government sell-down of Air New Zealand could help push the airline's share price.
The Commerce Commission is sticking to its guns in the long-running air cargo cartel case against Air NZ, which yesterday renewed its bid to have the case dropped.
Air New Zealand is calling on the Commerce Commission to end its long-running cargo price-fixing action - on the eve of a key hearing in the case.
New Zealand business travellers are more worried than others about flying economy but they're far more relaxed about airport security and immigration.
The Commerce Commission says it cannot comment on whether it has reached any resolution in its long-running air cargo proceedings against Air New Zealand.
An flight attendant claiming she suffered sexual comments from a drunk passenger and bullying by managers has failed in a personal grievance claim against Air NZ.
The last surviving pilot of the Dambusters raid in World War II, Tauranga resident Les Munro, will be a guest of honour at England's 70th anniversary of the raid on May 16.
Airlines are warning Auckland Airport could make $78 million of excess profits during the next five years, a figure the airport says is a theoretical extreme.
When Cathay Pacific's first plane touched down in New Zealand just on 30 years ago, ticket prices were regulated by the government and, as with all airlines, you could smoke onboard.
A proposal for a private helipad on the Spencer estate beside the Waitemata Harbour has drawn 129 objections.
Editorial: When the Government confirmed its mixed-ownership model strategy, it was taken for granted that Air New Zealand would be the tail-end Charlie.
Qantas is still waiting for New Zealand to rule on a transtasman alliance with Emirates - a month after regulators in Australia gave it the green light.
An "agitated" Air NZ hostess, angry at how she was woken during a flight, was ordered to take anger management lessons because she shook the colleague who woke her.
The Government should move quickly to ban lasers that can interfere with aircraft, the Labour party says.
A police investigation has been launched after laser lights were shone into the eyes of pilots using Wellington Airport.