Latest fromAustralasia

Secret talks on farmers' trading plan
Fonterra's bold plan strikes hurdles, writes Jonathan Underhill.

Start-ups find their progress stalled by 'valley of death'
The gap in New Zealand's capital markets needs addressing urgently, writes Franceska Banga.

Power's confidence boosting agenda plays out
The most important move so far has been to establish the Financial Markets Authority, writes Commerce Minister Simon Power

Maori Party: 'We are not going into byelection to come second'
The Maori Party has announced it will stand a candidate against Hone...

German gecko thieves jailed
Two German men who admitted travelling to New Zealand to steal rare native geckos have been jailed after they pleaded guilty to separate charges of hunting protected wildlife and possessing four rare jewelled geckos.

Govt makes it a lot easier for the rich to get NZ passports
Changes to the Government's business migration scheme will make it easier for rich foreign investors to qualify as investor migrants.

For the love of books - some of our top shops
Buying ebooks may be convenient but it can't compete with the personality and charm of our best bookshops, writes Danielle Wright.

Truckie finds hit-and-run victim's body on road
A Matamata truck driver was looking for a dog on the side of a road when he came across a young girl thought to be the victim of a hit-and-run overnight.

Explosives tracking in Australia lax, report says
Australia's military is still not keeping an accurate check of its bombs, rockets, grenades, bullets and other explosives.