Latest fromAustralasia
CTV: 'No confusion' over leadership
A Fire Service has disagreed strongly with some earlier witnesses at the CTV inquest that there was confusion over leadership on February 22 last year.
Sir Bob Jones: Bain case disgrace
The continuing obstinacy of courts, police and government is thankfully no match for the determination of Joe Karam, writes Sir Bob Jones.
CTV: Emotional u-turn failed to pay off
Search and rescue units were told to stop scouring the collapsed CTV Building's rubble for survivors within 24 hours of it coming down.
CTV site was 'chaos' after collapse
A coroner's inquest today heard from a senior search and rescue expert who described the "chaos" at the disaster site when he arrived two hours after the building's collapse.
Cast your net for customers
From music to fast food, more Kiwis are choosing to shop online. But retailers need to provide good, old-fashioned service, reports Steve Hart
Independence key to IT fix-it firm
Industry veterans rely on selling their expertise, not hardware or software.
CTV inquest: 'No one was listening'
The inquest into the CTV deaths has heard of frustrations caused by delays and chaos in the hours after the catastrophe.
Accountant fined for ethics breach
A Wanaka accountant has been ordered to pay more than $26,000 after he was appointed receiver of a failed winemaker despite an obvious conflict of interest.