Death highlights steroid danger
A coroner has recommended that authorities consider strengthening drug testing regimes after an Air Force member died during a training exercise after consuming steroids.
A coroner has recommended that authorities consider strengthening drug testing regimes after an Air Force member died during a training exercise after consuming steroids.
With summer upon us, our attentions shift not only to weather forecasts, but also on how best to scorch a piece of Bambi as the BBQ season kicks into high gear.
The 'red zone' created in the aftermath of Christchurch's earthquakes was legal, the Court of Appeal has ruled.
Derek Handley's Snakk Media, which helps firms get their ads in front of smartphone and tablet computer users, has recorded revenue of $3.02m for the six months to September 30, up 147 per cent on the same period the year before.
A captain of a fishing vessel in Nelson was making more than $100,000 a year and living in a state house, Housing Minister Nick Smith said last night.
An 11-year-old girl jumped from a speeding car fearing that the driver who had just raped her was going to kill her, a court was told today.
Celia Wade-Brown has shaken off her nearest challenger John Morrison to win a second term as mayor of Wellington.
About 200 jobs are on the chopping block at Christchurch-based fishing company Independent Fisheries Ltd.
Strong winds have caused significant but localised damage on Auckland's North Shore this evening.
A West Coast woman who told a court she could only afford to pay $2 a week to her former landlord was caught out trying to buy $62 of cigarettes by a judge at the supermarket.
A former surf lifeguard who stripped down to his boxers to rescue a drowning man is among a handful of Wellingtonians whose bravery was recognised tonight.
A truck laden with newspapers ignited in a dramatic fire in Canterbury early this morning.
The Government has confirmed it will appeal a landmark High Court decision which ordered it to reconsider an offer for vacant, uninsured red-zoned land.
The Government has lost a landmark legal battle over its 50 per cent offer for vacant red-zoned Christchurch land and uninsured properties.
Tom Fail lists the key themes to consider when managing infrastructure project risks.
Leonard Cohen has announced a full New Zealand tour in December, taking in the country's three major cities.