Blog: John Key in China
Political editor Audrey Young blogs from China, where the PM has arrived for a week-long tour.
Political editor Audrey Young blogs from China, where the PM has arrived for a week-long tour.
The new broom in the China leadership is ushering in a new era of trust in the relationship - after five years of a free trade agreement, writes Audrey Young.
It is a judgment that effectively says to the Crown, "You've won this time but we're watching", writes Audrey Young.
It didn't take long for David Carter to settle in to his job in his first question time as Speaker - it was almost business as usual, writes Audrey Young.
On the same day that NZ agreed to share Australia's boat people problem, Gillard agrees to look at collecting $600m in student debt from Kiwis in Australia, writes Audrey Young.
Parata may have been relieved when the State Services Commissioner told her this week that Longstone had agreed to resign, writes Audrey Young.
The United States was admitted to the East Asia Summit only last year, six years after the first summit.
The clear disrespect New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has for Parliament's Speaker, Lockwood Smith, is becoming more evident by the day, writes Audrey Young.
The Greens and the Prime Minister have been contradicting each other this week over whether the manufacturing sector is in crisis, writes Audrey Young.
The water rights issue heats up as Tuku Morgan replies to the PM's dismissal of Maori ownership, by calling him 'culturally ignorant'.
The unity on display at the Maori King's "people's hui" on water on Thursday wasn't exactly replicated yesterday at a gathering of iwi leaders.
From bouquets in Australia to brickbats back at home. Audrey Young looks at why John Key should be concerned at reaction by Maori to his Waitangi Tribunal comments.
John Key has admitted 'it's going to be a long two and a half years' when it comes to political partnerships.
David Shearer's challenge yesterday was to mend fences after Labour's divisive leadership...