Tenants overpaid rent for home damaged in Auckland floods
The landlord claimed the group were in rent arrears - calculations told a different story.
The landlord claimed the group were in rent arrears - calculations told a different story.
The injured person died after being taken to hospital.
Emergency services are responding to an incident at a South Auckland school.
The bridge-strike happened about 1.05pm. An earlier impact in Papakura cancelled trains.
A worker raised the alarm after watching her colleagues become overwhelmed by fumes.
Remember the blaze back in 2019? The company expects a $657.1m fire insurance payout.
'Significant doubt on the company’s ability to continue as a going concern': BDO warning
Areas have been identified where NZ populations of those aged 75-plus are growing fastest.
This is the third time a person has been struck by a car in the country today.
The westbound lane of Taharoto Road is blocked following the incident.
An infrequent visitor has popped by Auckland today - the sun. But will it stick around?
He helped save water and is part of NZ hip-hop history. What happened to Robert D Frogg?
Mall management said the incident happened outside and police were managing it.
Two people have been taken to North Shore Hospital. Police are at the scene.
Daniel Smith was still in his dressing gown as he fought the flames.
One multimillionaire landlord with 12 places: Why he would never list his homes like this.
The blaze broke out in an industrial area.
OPINION: Simon Wilson on transport agreements, disagreements and the truly "farcical".
An analysis of your team's chances of winning the Log of Wood this season.
On Saturday the 58-year curse on one of NZ's pre-eminent rugby schools was finally lifted.
AT said the changes come after 'clear direction from Mayor Wayne Brown to review prices'.
Prosecutors said the Crips are responsible for the 75-year-old's shooting death.
Two boarding houses were bad enough to trigger a dangerous building notice.
Police tracked down the group after spotting suspicious driving.
Two people have been taken to hospital following the early morning crash.
William Dart reviews a concert to farewell the APO's chief executive of 17 years.
Founder Tamarin Howse started the business in 2018 to manage mental health at work.
'You can’t keep allowing mindless infill into areas that can’t handle it.'
A strong wind watch is in place for Northland and Auckland.
'It is clear ... these premises embody alcohol-related harm in its rawest form'.