Latest fromAuckland Regional Council

City powerless on its biggest issue
The Government intends to give control of transport in the Super City to a largely unelected board.

Mark Ford - the invisible autocrat
Chris Barton meets Mark Ford, the low profile but immensely powerful executive creating Auckland's Super City.

Leaders blast Super City plans
Auckland Super City plans have been called "fundamentally broken" and undemocratic by Auckland's leaders in select committee hearings.

Rugby fans told: Snub wharf
Auckland City Mayor John Banks is telling rugby fans to steer clear of Prime Minister John Key's "party central" on Queens Wharf and party elsewhere in the city.

Mayors reject Queens Wharf funding plan
Auckland's mayors will not commit to funding the 'party central' development without a waterfront masterplan in place.

Pushing the urban boundaries
Where you'll live, what sort of house you'll have and how much it'll cost will be influenced by reforms that promise more affordable housing.

<i>Anthony Doesburg:</i> Project points way to accessible information
Co-operative approach by Auckland region's councils makes map-based data easier to use.

Water fit to swim in but not to drink
Treating effluent to make it reusable would not be economic, say experts.

Sea slug study can't find cash
Toxic sea slugs could be living in the waters around New Zealand but money to study them is proving harder to find than the slugs themselves.