Latest fromAuckland Regional Council

Controversy over new logo for Super City
Some say the stylised pohutukawa is similar to the regional parks emblem.

Commuters to pay for resurrection of KiwiRail
Auckland commuters will be among the first to be called on to pay more for KiwiRail services under a 10-year turnaround plan.

<i>Alasdair Thompson:</i> Councils' shares move poor value for ratepayers
Stake holdings in Auckland Airport suppress value and opportunity, says Alasdair Thompson.

<i>John Roughan:</i> Ugly wharf sheds worth a second look
John Roughan writes that we should live with the Queens Wharf sheds for a while before making decisions we may regret later.

Now it's a tent for Queens Wharf
Planning has started for a giant tent to be erected on Queens Wharf for the Rugby World Cup on the site of one of two 98-year-old cargo sheds.

Council charged $100,000 for blocking Waiheke airfield revamp
The Auckland Regional Council has been ordered to pay almost $100,000 to a developer.

Council reveals Super City's hidden tax bill
Ratepayers face a tax bill of tens of millions of dollars because of Govt plans to have much of the Super City run by commercial bodies, the Auckland City Council says.

Auckland: Our failing city
Auckland is growing by 50 people a day - they need 21 homes and bring in 35 additional cars. Now, a report warns of the pressures on the new-look Super City.