Confronting videos show moments before and after officer's murder
The two videos were played to the jury at the trial of Eli Epiha and Natalie Bracken.
The two videos were played to the jury at the trial of Eli Epiha and Natalie Bracken.
Tuakau will from tomorrow provide Auckland with up to 50 million litres of water a day.
Testing continues on board another ship with mariners experiencing flu-like symptoms.
Earlier this year, authorities were urgently tracking down babies missing from the system.
Police warning after motorway mayhem seriously injures one person.
Witnesses said a driver was cut from their vehicle by firefighters.
Local iwi and environmental groups are banding together to fight the Dome Valley landfill.
Heavy rain and gale warnings are in place for the top half of New Zealand today.
OPINION: Landowners should be working together in transforming town centres.
"Doctors said the chances were I was heading towards a coma."
Sandringham residents are patrolling at night to catch car thieves.
His mother asks people to have the vaccine "in memory of Dave".
Kirsty Mitchell says cancer treatment in New Zealand should not come down to money.
Police say the man had fled on foot, before stealing a vehicle.
Wannabe first home buyers on life on the frontline of New Zealand's housing crisis.
The woman has been charged with several alleged offences.
The crash happened on Brigham Creek Rd.
A truck breakdown is causing huge delays on Auckland's Northern motorway.
No one has been injured, damage is being investigated.
Official figures in May showed more than 60,000 students classified as chronically absent.
Genome sequencing result for one of two infected mariners confirms Delta variant.
'When you boot someone in the head that's not reasonable force.'
A new Kiwi company is turning small reject avocados into a freeze-dried super food.
Dog tore woman's face open, bit her legs and neck, husband says.
A police car was dramatically rammed in downtown Auckland this morning.
'I'm a New Zealand permanent resident and should be treated by New Zealand rules.'
The vineyard blamed ambient noise from rowdy crickets for the din.
The suspects took $100,000 worth of jewellery in brazen heist.
Four crews are at the scene on Harding Ave, West Auckland.
'When you get in your car, lock your doors,' police say.