'Dramatic reversal': Auckland housing affordability improves 26%
Despite record low interest rates, housing in Auckland is beyond the reach of many.
Despite record low interest rates, housing in Auckland is beyond the reach of many.
Auckland couple ordered to pay landlord for damaging the lawn at rental property.
In Waikato, the average take for high-decile schools was $139. In Auckland it's $276.
One of the prisoners who attacked double-killer Graeme Burton has been sentenced.
The bodies of Kamal Reddy's victims lay undiscovered for nearly eight years.
The judge did not think there was a "perverted motive" but rather "drunken stupidity".
The dumped chemical turned the Whau River a milky white.
Protesters have declined an invitation to meet with the Maunga Authority
The couple spent all night sitting upright in hard airport chairs with nowhere to sleep.
The family would sleep together in the lounge in winter to keep warm.
"I hope you never lose a friend or loved one because a defibrillator was stolen."
A Queen's Counsel says the defence was entitled to use its evidence in the Millane trial.
Starship Hospital in-patients were able to see Santa himself and a few of his friends.
The career of a young Auckland cop hangs in the balance after today's conviction.
Fire teams called out to bust a window and rescue young girl from hot car.
A woman found what she thought was a human jawbone on the beach early Saturday.
Victim kicked in the chest as he attempted to stop the brazen thieves.
Exclusive: Children were starved and forced to run around a home-built punishment circuit.
The black-and-white koru painting went under the hammer for a record price.
The heritage-listed building sits next to a 2000-house development.
The victims were vulnerable as they were temporary workers, the judge said.
The theatre could cost $10 million and be in Aotea Square for five to seven years.
A review is under way into the compensation scheme for families of British people.
A woman attacked in Browns Bay has described the moment a man punched her repeatedly.
The wining ticket was sold by the Four Square store on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula.
In the past six months, 49 trespass notices have been issued.
A small community park is to be built on the western end of Chamberlain Park.
Armed police were at the scene and cordons were in place for a time.