Traffic hotspots: Busiest times and routes to avoid
Heading out of town for the break? Find out more about the traffic conditions here.
Heading out of town for the break? Find out more about the traffic conditions here.
"We don't want to see any more lives lost this holiday period", senior cop says.
The adage nosey cow took on a new meaning for one travelling bovine.
Covid-19 travel ban means families remain apart but people here are able to celebrate.
It comes after a record-breaking day at the tills on Christmas Eve.
Dainna Chapman broke the cycle of welfare dependency. Now she helps others do the same.
A whistleblower came forward to the Commerce Commission about an egg scam.
KiwiRail is struggling to be the answer to freight logjam woes.
Armed police responded to the incident and later located the six involved.
People began to speculate why Grace Millane's killer continued to enjoy name suppression.
Two women went to court to help bring Kempson to account. Now, we can tell their stories.
It can be revealed Jesse Kempson faced two further trials for violent sexual offending.
Numbers seeking help from budgeting service almost doubles in two years.
The killer also lost an appeal of his conviction and sentence last week.
"I'm dealing with someone who is inherently dishonest," judge says.
Drury residents say they are frustrated at the lack of feedback they've received.
The man continues to claim his innocence and asserts Millane died during rough sex.
Repeated calls for abortion services in the region have been ignored for a decade.
Manawa Udy explains how Ngahere is using commerce to bring about change.
Incident on Northwestern Motorway, diversions in place and police warn about delays
It comes with an outrageous price tag — but experts say it's more than justified.
A shooting in the Viaduct has exposed a seedy late-night scene to the America's Cup venue.
A look ahead to weather in Auckland and NZ for the America's Cup and Christmas day.
A delayed start did nothing to stop the good times on Auckland's waterfront.
"We deserve to know what happened to these beautiful taonga."
Emergency services were called to the scene about 1pm today.
Holidaymakers heading out of Auckland can expect to be stuck in a single lane.
Nearly 80 people died from crashes in police pursuits between 2008 and 2019.
Elizabeth Zhong was found dead in the boot of her car last month near her home.
The crash took place on the Southern Motorway near the Gillies Ave on-ramp.