Councils' overseas posts 'a scandal'
Auckland's local politicians have labelled the Council's overseas postings to London and San Francisco an "outrage", while the mayor defends the decision.
Auckland's local politicians have labelled the Council's overseas postings to London and San Francisco an "outrage", while the mayor defends the decision.
Most libraries will have reduced opening hours, while some others will be extended, in a bid to save $1.1 million in Auckland Council's proposed budget.
Motorway tolls are gaining far more support from Aucklanders than lifting rates and fuel taxes to fill a $12 billion transport funding gap over 30 years.
Friday night, Len Brown was unaware the city had its very own ratepayer-funded man in London. Now he is all for it.
The Auckland Council has filed its changes to ease controls for further reclamation of Waitemata Harbour for port use.
Ports of Auckland said its first-half net profit rose by 9.5 per cent to $28.9 million in the six months to December, driven by higher freight volumes.
A two-tonne tree branch that snapped from a 150yo oak tree, badly damaging a row of parked cars in Auckland Domain yesterday, had been 'extensively checked'.
Winston Peters says the Financial Markets Authority must investigate "a huge volume" in trading of SkyCity shares.
The capacity of the proposed Convention Centre falls under the limits the founding study on the project said was needed to make it viable for a return to the economy.
Sunset-chasers and their cars have been locked in Auckland's Mt Eden Domain again - despite a council apology last month to people stranded there by an earlier closing time.
Auckland boaties are rallying against council plans to weaken controls over further reclamation of the Waitemata Harbour for port use.
'Economists make forecasts," said the late, great, economist John Kenneth Galbraith, "not because they know, but because they are asked."
Tony Holman writes: The secretive assets sales project highlights the anti-people, anti-democratic nature of the local government structure foisted upon the people of Auckland.
Northcote MP Jonathan Coleman won't say whether he supports the SkyPath proposed for beneath the Auckland Harbour Bridge but he is in favour of people using the bridge.
Ports of Auckland has won a huge victory allowing it to use more of the Waitemata Harbour to park cars after Auckland councillors yesterday caved in on tough rules for reclamation.
Erica Hannam and Richard Tout are restoring their heritage-listed Northcote Pt villa but are concerned about the proposed SkyPath pedestrian and cycle way.
The Auckland Council has approved two large wharf extensions into Waitemata Harbour for port use - without notifying the public or councillors.
New Zealand territorial authorities have assets of $117.4 billion yet extremely low debt levels of only $10.8 billion, says a financial chief.
Councillors will be asked to permit the port company to reclaim 2ha of harbour every 10 years into the future, writes Brian Rudman.
Arch Hill residents have won concessions from big-box retailer Bunnings in an attempt to minimise the effects of the controversial new store on their Auckland neighbourhood.
Auckland will run out of room for graves at two of its three main cemeteries within four years, and will spend up to $46.5 million to acquire and develop land for more burial plots.
Mission Bay Reserve is one of Auckland's most popular summer evening spots. So why are the men's loos allowed to get so filthy?
Auckland Council has apologised to visitors whose cars were locked in the Mt Eden domain for two hours after closing and who were asked to pay a $40 release fee.