Infrastructure Report: Accord gives council more flexible powers
The accord's goal is to have 39,000 new sections and dwellings consented by October 2016.
The accord's goal is to have 39,000 new sections and dwellings consented by October 2016.
The latest Auckland Economic Quarterly has identified the city's growth across the job market retail spending and construction.
A plan for a five-storey apartment block in Birkenhead is fuelling the intensification-versus-housing choice debate.
A development company wants to build up to 150 homes on a site that includes playing fields used by the country's biggest special school.
A beachfront restaurant at Long Bay Regional Park is facing its third summer of closure as Auckland Council tries to manage concerns over ancient human bones.
Desperate buyers are making high pre-auction offers in the hope of cutting competition in the property market.
Auckland Council is reviewing its ownership of 13 golf courses worth more than $40 million, as pressure builds to find space for thousands of new homes in the city.
Why don't Auckland councillors jump on a bus and take a study trip south to the People's Project's Garden Place headquarters in Hamilton, asks Brian Rudman.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown led 13 other members of the council family and a business delegation of 43 to Los Angeles - and returned with a bunch of mugs.
Several families are demanding Auckland Council return Te Atatu harbour land to them, and have taken their fight to the Court of Appeal.
Auckland mayor Len Brown says he's mended the wounds in the relationship between the council and its advisory panels.
Ham on the bone, party hats and crackers were just some of the treats on offer yesterday at a festive gathering for people who sleep rough in Auckland.
About 7000 Auckland residents have successfully challenged their 2014 property revaluations - and the most common outcome has been a fall in the home's CV.
Minister Nick Smith admits that Auckland had a housing shortage, but notes that there were a large number of uncertainties in the analysis.
Auckland Council has appointed the board of Development Auckland, a new council body being set up in September to undertake large-scale developments in conjunction with the private sector.
Supporters of the Takapuna waterfront camping ground turned out in force last night in a bid to push for its long-term lease on public reserve and a facelift.
The Laneway Festival has been told today it cannot move to the Auckland Domain, raising the possibility of the country's largest urban music festival moving to Wellington or Christchurch.
Auckland councillors have rejected a "gagging order" that would require them having to run off to council-controlled organisations(CCOs) before commenting on their business.
The latest QV statistics show only 10 of Auckland's 167 suburbs have homes with a median value under $500,000.
Auckland councillors have been told they have to accept a 2.3 per cent pay rise, but can go through a bureaucratic money-go-round to give the money back or donate it to charity.
Auckland Council plans to ask Parliament to change the Super City's founding legislation that fixed the number of councillors.
Len Brown is refusing to say if he will follow two of his councillors and say no to a 2.3 per cent pay rise, which will lift his salary to $265,500.
Members of Auckland's disabled groups have handed a petition signed by 500 asking Mayor Len Brown for a rethink of an Auckland Council restructuring move that axes the jobs of the region's disability advisers.
Auckland is developing a new global brand to attract visitors, events, skilled migrants and investment.
The Transport Agency says the props, or supports, are only a temporary part of the planned construction of the Waterview Connection's Great North Rd Interchange.
The 63-year-old councillor, who was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in the early 1990s, has resigned as chair of Auckland Council's audit and risk committee.
A developer is calling for a taller height limit to go with no controls on density in Auckland's suburbs.
Council, developers and lobby group debating new rules which will allow more houses to be built.
Mobile vendors facing sizeable fee hikes have scored a "small win" over Auckland Council.
Auckland Council could begin 1080 drops over the Hunua Ranges within the next two weeks.