$104K legal bill in rates debt battle
Auckland Council has racked up more than $100,000 on lawyers in an ongoing battle with activist Penny Bright over $33,372 in unpaid rates and penalties.
Auckland Council has racked up more than $100,000 on lawyers in an ongoing battle with activist Penny Bright over $33,372 in unpaid rates and penalties.
Mayor Len Brown has avoided a parking fine despite his chauffeur-driven mayoral car snapped in a Nuffield Street loading bay.
A new documentary about the initial restoration of Auckland's historic St James Theatre will premiere next month.
Auckland's point of difference is not the glories or supremacy of one ethnicity over another, but our place in the Pacific as a smorgasbord of cultures and ethnicities, writes Brian Rudman.
Auckland Council cannot give an assurance that staff costs - which blew out $63 million in the past year - will stay within budget this year.
Concern about shoddy building work in Auckland has prompted the appointment of a full-time council investigator to lay complaints with professional licensing bodies.
A proposed Auckland-wide food waste collection has been extended in parts of the City and the number of homes taking the service is growing.
A $63 million blowout in staff costs is being downplayed by Auckland Council staff, who say savings in other areas have led to an $80 million budget surplus this year.
The council is planning to redesign Freyberg Place. This is one of our most urban public places but the vision we've seen in the Herald is for a bush walk.
Auckland Council's staffing and salary bill has grown steadily in the five years of the Super City and will be a big issue in next year's local body elections, says Councillor Cameron Brewer.
Once it was Auckland's tallest office building. Soon it could be converted into dozens of apartments or a hotel.
The city's arts, culture and civic precinct around Aotea Square is fighting back against the drift of corporate offices, apartments, shops and restaurants.
The head of a panel that selects Auckland Council's Maori advisers threatened councillors with personal legal action over a vote to release ratepayer money.
Auckland Transport has done a 180 on more than two dozen fines issued in a 2am parking blitz.
Auckland Transport has less money to spend on capital works this year, says chief executive David Warburton.
Aucklanders won't be able to choose their next council at the click of a mouse because it is too big.
The Government and Auckland Council have today signed off terms of reference setting out how central and local government will work together to develop the city's transport system.
A major roadblock has been unblocked after the Environment Court refused to rule in favour of a powerful landlord.
Auckland Transport wardens who fined more than two dozen residents for parking on footpaths were not so quick to nab a council driver for doing the same thing.
The Auckland Council is holding the line on rules to protect the city's built heritage after being advised they are a burden on landowners seeking to develop their properties.
A review of Auckland Council's sport and recreation assets not only involves 13 golf clubs valued at $200 million-plus, but also all the council's bowling clubs.
An attack on a motorist who refused to have his windscreen washed at a South Auckland intersection has sparked renewed calls for the practice to be outlawed.
Brawl took place at a petrol station near the intersection of Great South Road and Cavendish Drive near Manukau after a run-in with a motorist and the washers.
Auckland Transport should have exercised discretion before ticketing 27 residents at 2am for parking with two wheels on the kerb of a narrow Auckland street, says the Automobile Association.
If you could take out a mortgage fixed for 12 years at 4.01 per cent to invest in an asset that lasts decades, would you?
Auckland Council is reviewing its ownership of the Britomart precinct alongside an asset sales programme canvassing everything from airport shares to the city's art treasures.
Residents of two narrow Auckland streets are furious that council parking wardens fined 27 of them in a 2am blitz on cars with two wheels on the kerb.
Review of council's response to flooding during the storm of July 15 reveals media knew more about its effects than its own civil defence emergency managers.
Auckland Council has agreed to drop - for now - the controversial sports field charges which were imposed only on clubs in the central part of the Super City.