Dog walkers concerned about sewage-like stench at Auckland park
The stench is unlikely to be from wastewater, says Watercare.
The stench is unlikely to be from wastewater, says Watercare.
Mowbray's request for a helipad upset locals who say it will impact the bird population.
Eke Panuku has worked with technical experts on solutions to mitigate the risks.
John Gray urges 'greater consequences' for lawbreakers as the Govt removes red tape.
Application for charges to be dismissed: Was the property operating illegally?
OPINION: High-tech solutions offer Auckland a great chance to fix its transport woes.
Auckland Council versus Government on freeing up land on the outskirts. Who will win?
OPINION: Paula Bennett and Simon Bridges are a perfect fit.
OPINION: 'That is not what ratepayers expect of their council.'
The Mayor of Auckland accidentally revealed confidential information during a public meeting, and compared himself to the US president and his forgetfulness. Video / AC
Developers have fought for years to create new townships on outskirts of Auckland.
Glenbrook residents are ecstatic, saying they chased Watercare away.
Complaint withdrawn after electoral officer said he would refer to police.
Auckland Council will oppose the Government plan to raise speed limits, but can't stop it.
The most recent incident happened last night when an Ōtara home was sprayed with bullets.
A modular housing project has a big financial fallout, liquidators picking up the pieces.
Statement of claim lodged, no date has yet been set for a hearing in court.
Issues from the case have wider implications: Auckland has a vast 3200km of coastline.
Graeme Hart companies are doing a switcheroo: moving from one building to another.
Big move is expected to occur next November when 1200 staff are due to shift.
Auckland Zoo elephant team leader Andrew Coers has known elephant Burma since he was 18.
OPINION: How much does the National Party care about principles of good government?
At some point there will be disruptions for passengers, KiwiRail says.
'I am making this assessment well before any official investigation,' Brown wrote.
The amount is far worse than the approximately $5m initially thought to be owed.
'It’s been well in excess of $280,000 and there’s more to spend.'
It has been 17 months since the Auckland floods devasted West Auckland.
Public submissions for the resource consent application closed on June 6.
Without the need for building consents, small homes will be made available faster.
'I was elected to fix Auckland, not to weep for it.'