Best places to see the Auckland Harbour Bridge light up tonight
The Auckland Harbour Bridge will come alive in a brilliant sight and sound show.
The Auckland Harbour Bridge will come alive in a brilliant sight and sound show.
As Auckland Art Gallery struggles with funding, high-profile campaign starts to save it.
Auckland Harbour Bridge will be lit up Sat night 27-1 with Vector Lights audio-visual show
At the sentencing, Judge Kellar said it was "hard to imagine a more deliberate case".
The man removed native trees and plants in a scheduled site of ecological significance.
Government now considering wharf extensions for America's Cup bases in Auckland
Another Auckland "council controlled organisation" is out of control.
Acquisition of 20 vehicles is the biggest purchase of electric cars in the public sector.
Denise Yates had been a unionist and campaigned on environmental and LGBT issues.
The SkyPath cycleway is on track now the Auckland Harbour Bridge has been lit up.
The Herald can reveals details of the America's Cup bases on the Auckland waterfront.
Auckland Council has found 24 eateries did not meet acceptable food safety standards.
A new $14m wastewater plant is nearing completion at Auckland's Wynyard Quarter
The America's Cup planning documents are ready, it just needs the politicians to agree.
Diverse population spurs students to learn other nations' languages.
Hunter Goodsell was badly hurt when the Auckland Council hoop snapped at the base.
A young boy has been mauled by a dog after its owner said it was fine to pat the dog
The boat ramp is closed due to damage from today's storm, but people still try to use it.
Auckland's concrete urban jungle is becoming home for bees.
Why can't we swim at so many Auckland beaches - and what's being done about it?
Heavy rain led to foamy water flowing on to beach.
Takapuna Beach was closed after stormwater flowed into the swimming area.
12 questions: Jennifer Dann talks to Auckland Council's water manager Andrew Chin.
Auckland council is begging residents to dispose of their Christmas trees responsibly.
An Auckland woman's cats disrupted neighbours' sleep and forced them to flee their homes.
"Salvage the oil from WWII wreck or face environmental tragedy in the Hauraki Gulf."
A Long Bay boy was 'sad and disappointed' at the Boxing Day mess left in the regional park
A review into catchpit safety following the death of Violet Tupou has ruled them safe.
New video shows the moment a demolition in Pt Chevalier goes horribly wrong.
Minister will consider a Controlled Area Notice that could restrict access to Waitakeres