Gasps as jurors in manslaugher trial watch graphic CCTV of teen's fatal tumble from moving SUV
The pair were both 18 when Boyd, also 18, was fatally run over.
The pair were both 18 when Boyd, also 18, was fatally run over.
Connor Boyd, 18, was fatally run over in 2022.
The election 2023 results for Auckland's electorates.
The election 2023 results for Auckland's electorates look heavily in National's favour.
Do the likes of L&P gummies or lemon meringue popcorn tickle your tastebuds?
Heart of the City calling for stronger police presence in the city.
Two men were arrested and charged with aggravated robbery.
"Are you stoned right now?" Auckland Central candidates go head to head on Karangahape Rd.
Don't worry if you haven't heard of this island; most people haven't.
The driver frequently drove backwards and in the wrong direction down multiple streets.
Methamphetamine psychosis was said to be a factor of the offending.
Both defendants appeared in court, although one was via audio-visual feed.
OPINION: The city has a chance to end rough sleeping and begging.
The sportswear giant announced the closure of its online sales in New Zealand today.
Students will be welcomed back to school tomorrow after the disruption.
The victim suffered a concussion, court documents state.
A three-tunnel road and rail plan will cost tens of billions and take decades to finish.
Te Mātāwai is Auckland's newest and largest response to homelessness in the city.
Shovels should be in the ground at decaying St James Theatre within a year, MP says.
Survivors describe the morning of horror in Auckland's CBD.
Three people including the shooter have died and at least five others were injured.
Gunman, who has been named, was on home detention, allowed to travel to site of shooting.
None of the workers were aware of what they were running from, says one of the men.
Ponsonby Rd's retail vacancy rate is just 0.9 per cent, the lowest in central Auckland.
A review of the City Rail Link's hardship fund has provided nothing for Jenni.
About 20 fire crew including a hazmat unit are on the scene after first reports at 4.45pm.
The popular dessert shop faced debt that couldn't be covered after the pandemic.
The road was closed at 4.45pm this afternoon.
Footage shows victim being punched, kicked and stomped while lying motionless on ground.
The man was spotted on Queen St just after 4pm today.