Five years of Uber: New Zealanders clock up 230 million km
Uber has hit several roadblocks since launching here in 2014.
Uber has hit several roadblocks since launching here in 2014.
The ports CEO claimed he didn't know the Quay St works start date before the public.
Potters Park to get one of the largest public artworks Auckland has seen.
A well-known Kiwi sports star has been linked to a drug importation case.
'We can see that she has actually punched your son in the head with quite some force.'
New images offer a view from the top.
How did Auckland Council find an extra half a billion for the CRL without cutting costs?
Auckland Council says it can only intervene if homeless are begging or using drugs.
The incredi-bull sight shocked workers who could only watch as the cattle ran past.
Auckland Council sells "surplus" CBD building for $58m.
Star Wars changed the life of one young musician - now he needs the force to be with him.
Linda Edwards' body was found inside a burnt-out Mt Roskill home in 2016.
Birdsall said it the test often helped provide women with peace of mind.
But police are yet to make an arrest three weeks later.
Auckland congested, Northland held back without rail, Tauranga most successful port.
The 39-year-old man faces charge of attempted murder.
Prince William has visited four-year-old Alen Alsati in Starship Hospital in Auckland.
Local legend says it is haunted by the ghost of a nurse bewailing her lost children.
Some of Auckland's flashest suburbs take big falls in new property figures.
Consent has been granted for a $10 million 90-metre fixed gangway extension.
Drone image captures moment a fierce thunder storm smashed into the city of sails.
Auckland bus lane cameras racked up $11.3 million in fines in the last year.
Locals in Pakuranga, Botany and Burswood were caught in the inclement weather.
Auckland Council has already scrapped 58 planned Anzac Day events.
The 42-year-old accused is due to appear in the Auckland District Court tomorrow.
A 24-year-old man later died in hospital following the alleged attack.
A 24-year-old victim died surrounded by family today.
Bruce Steedman's widow is now seeking legal advice after the tragic death.
The Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra's annual choral concert a stunning Easter journey.
The 7000 sq m store will be among the biggest in redeveloped Westfield Newmarket.