How Qantas hopes to avoid disruption on New York-Auckland flights
The airline's planes have fewer seats than its transtasman rival.
The airline's planes have fewer seats than its transtasman rival.
Opinion: Selling the shares is the right thing to do.
Australia's share of visitors increases, but China's share plummets.
Michael Wood will likely face a sanction for his share schmozzle.
The vote passed 14 to 6 and will see millions of dollars of debt paid down.
Lot Fuli's alternative budget holds rates down and keeps the airport shares.
Auckland councillors reconvene in a bid to finalise this year’s budget, why airlines are back at war over pricing and how bad has vaping in schools become in the latest New Zealand Herald headlines. Video / NZ Herald
Opinion: Our editorial on controversy swirling around NZ's main gateway.
'We do not need to own an asset that is not washing your face,' one councillor said.
Today's the day: Councillors are voting on whether to sell the council's airport stake.
Michael Wood on his final straw with the Prime Minister, it’s D-day for Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown and Prince Harry leaves nothing off limits in his second day in court in the latest New Zealand Herald headlines. Video / NZ Herald
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei has made a daring bid to buy the Ports of Auckland.
“He has effectively thumbed his nose at the Cabinet Office for two and a half years."
OPINION: Perception doesn’t pass the sniff test, opportunities to fix issue weren't taken.
It will be a welcome reprieve for the sun-starved city.
No one wants higher rates, says Mayor Wayne Brown.
Opinion: Our editorial on Auckland Council's decision on Thursday.
The airport is developing with an eye to the longer-term.
Transport Minister Michael Wood fronts the media over his Auckland Airport shares. Video / Mark Mitchell
OPINION: With two days to go, Wayne Brown is running out of time to get his budget passed.
Wood had an interest in Auckland Airport while he was the minister overseeing aviation.
Staff blamed for acting in a 'fit of excitement'.
Opponents of the mayor's plan to sell airport shares refuse to budge.
Opinion: Legendary rugby league coach 'Lowie' backs Mayor Wayne Brown's proposal.
South Aucklanders concerned over toxic smoke, government set to hit promise of 1800 net police increase and reports indicate potentially better times ahead for homeowners, in the latest New Zealand Herald headlines. Video / NZ Herald
Household rates will rise by the rate of inflation - 6.7 per cent.
Brown has threatened to reinstate deep cuts if the share sale does not proceed.
Opinion: A veteran Auckland councillor breaks ranks to oppose the sale.
Selling government assets isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Only 4 per cent of Aucklanders want higher rates, says Brown.